

What is text editer of c?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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You can use any development system, C or otherwise, to write a text editor. The tool to create one, however, depends upon which environment you want it used under (command-line or graphical).

Assuming you're using the Win32API in one form or another, the CreateWindow() function can be used to create a multiline edit control using the following call:

hwndEdit = CreateWindowEx(0, L"EDIT", NULL,



x, y, width, height, hwndParent, 0, hInstance, NULL);

This gives you a control with some basic capabilities. Just supply the desired x,y location as well as the width and height. hwndParent is the parent window, and hInstance is the instance your program was given through the WinMain() entry point.

If you're using a modern IDE that allows you to generate forms, you can create a program fairly quickly. Keep in mind that most modern text editors include the following controls:

- a multiline edit box

- main menu (File, Edit, and sometimes Options and Help)

- convenient buttons below the main menu for file and edit operations

Clipboard operations such as copy, cut and paste are also common among text editors. These functions allow you to export and import text data from and to other programs as well as within the text editor.

As with any programming project, start out with the basics and keep adding features you want in the program. Always be sure to conduct bug testing regularly, particularly when you're loading and saving files. Using Notepad as a frame of reference for laying out your controls can come in handy. You may also find some C source code for text editors and base your own on that code.

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A text editor is any program that allows plain-text files to be created and edited, much like you would with Windows Notepad. Text files are files that contain nothing more than a sequence of character codes, either in ASCII or UNICODE. Plain-text is unformatted text, thus a text editor is unsuitable for word-processing tasks where you might embed several different typefaces, make use graphical elements and tables, bullet points and so on. While you can use a word-processing application to create plain-text files, it is best to use a dedicated text editor as the embedded characters are often hidden from you. Indeed, one way to strip out all the embedded codes from formatted text is to copy/paste the text into a text editor.

Text editors are useful when creating files that are entirely text-based, such as configuration files (such as INI files), HTML files, command scripts and batch files, and so on. They can also be used to edit source code for programming languages such as C++.

Although you can write perfectly good C++ programs using nothing more than Windows Notepad and a compiler/linker, it is better to use a text editor that understands the language itself. There are many free and commercial alternatives to Notepad that cater for all sorts of programming tasks, including features such as syntax highlighting, indentation and nesting features. Some also integrate with your compiler. If you have an integrated development environment (IDE) you may find the built-in code editors are more than sufficient for your needs, however if you have a preference for a particular editor most IDEs will allow you to choose that instead.

Since text-editing is a common activity amongst programmers and web developers, there are a huge number of editors out there, many of which started as a learning exercise that eventually became full-blown applications in their own right. EditPad and EditPlus are two such examples. Some are often used as alternatives to Windows Notepad, but even Notepad has its uses for quick-and-dirty editing of small text files, particularly due to its tiny footprint.

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13y ago

The editor is where you write and change the lines of code that you are using to create the program you will use c++ to create, with you it, you wouldn't be able to make the program, also comes in handy to change stuff you might mess up on when writing the code.

Any text editor can be used like notepad in Windoze. Perhaps the best of all worlds is an IDE (Integrated development environment).

I like free software and as IDE's go CodeBlocks is very good There are versions for Windowze, Linux and Mac. Not only is CodeBlocks multi platform it is multi compiler.

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There is no such thing.

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