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yes because they might have the genotype of blue eyes even though you cannot see that they have blue eyes because it is a recessive gene

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Q: Can 2 people with blue eyes have a kid with different color eyes?
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Are white huskies with blue eyes deaf?

No. it is the same thing as people with different color eyes. Many white huskies have blue eyes, and are not deaf. Some may have blue eyes and be deaf, but the eye color is not because the dog is deaf, and same with the other way around.

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Why do jase's eyes turn red?

because he has blue eyes but when he gets mad his blue eyes turn to red. That what people with blue eyes have not other color eyes

What is the color of American eyes?

people have different eyes

How many people have blue eyes?

Approximately 17% of the global population has blue eyes. Keep in mind that eye color can vary widely across different regions and populations.

Can people's eyes change color according to what they are wearing?

No, but some people are born with eyes that change between two closely related colors (like green and blue) seasonally and some are two different rings of color in their eyes. It all depends what eyes you were born with.

Why do you have blue eyes when you're born?

Everyone has blue eyes when they are born. Its just your natural color when you are born. Then when you get a little bit older, your eyes either change color like brown, hazel, green, Green-blue. Your eyes change color because of genes. And traits. But if your eyes were meant to stay blue from genes then your eyes are blue. Most people have brown eyes. Also blue too. Its not a very good chance you will get green-blue eyes.

What color are Trace Adkins eyes?

Scotty eyes color: Are piece baby blue. And, They are BEAUTIFUL Color!!

Why does your dog have a blue eye?

Well, a dog is born with different color eyes and if it has blue eyes when it's born then that's nature or say it was born with brown eyes and it grew into blue eyes, then that's NATURE!

What color was Queen Victoria's eye color?

she had blue eyes with long brown hair

Why do dogs have different colored eyes?

Just the different coloured coats blue Merle collies can have blue brown or blue and brown eyes so do some husky dogs and so do blue or red healers

What was thomas Jeffersons favorite color?

Blue, he loved it because it was the color of his eyes.