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According to Eli Lilly's Strattera Web site, "problems sleeping" are a common side effect.

I have found it really hard to fall asleep no matter when I take it. I have tried everything from eating and taking it at different times, nothing helps

i am fairly new to all the meds, but have recently been dealing w/ my step-son taking Straterra. He is only 12 and it seems to make him want to sleep constantly. But i dont believe that it is given to him at the same time everyday and he also travels between parents home constantly which i dont believe helps.

When I first started taking Strattera, I definitely had sleep issues. Though I can always fall asleep, I would have fitful sleep. I would dream vividly, but find myself unable to really exit the dream to wakefulness. And then at some point in the night, I would wake totally, and be unable to sleep for a while. At this point, I would worry about things. I would finally fall asleep and sleep fine for the rest of the night.

I've been on Strattera now for nearly 8 months and I have found the fitful sleep to be much, much less. Occasionally I'll have those weird, vivid dreams, but not nearly as often as I did at the beginning. And while I still usually wake up, I have learned to ignore my worries, knowing that when I wake in the morning, those issues won't be there. But it has taken time to get to this point.

I do find Strattera makes me tired during the day, but I will try what the other person has mentioned, about being strict on when the dose is given. I'm really bad about that, and I think I can point to the times when I get super tired during the day having to do with failing to dose within a certain window.

For me; yes. I've been on Strattera 120 mg for 3 months, and my sleeping problems still get worse.

Some nights I don't sleep at all. It makes me very frustrated. But the funny thing is; the pills are making me wide awake in the daytime. I feel that I don't need much sleep.

But, of course, I do. So from time to time I have to use Xanor - I belive you call it Xanax in the US - to get some sleep.

I'm now thinking about cuting down on my dosage. It's a shame really, because it works for my ADD.

My son who is 12, has been on Strattera for 4 months now. For the first two he was fine,his concentration great, and loving all its effects. He took it in the morning at 7 am before school, but in the last several weeks, he has been very sleepy in the morning, and restless and insomniac at night, waking at 2 or 3 am. His concentration has gone down considerably, he even has aggressive outbursts again. He has taken melatonin before and done well but to take it on a constant basis seems odd for his age. The last two night we have changed the 7 am ritual for 5 pm, and by 9 pm he is falling asleep right away, with nothing additional. He tried biofeedback last week and not even that worked as well as the change of schedule. So who knows, I am still trying. It seems that if he gets poor sleep he´s adhd worsens no matter what dosage he takes. Anybody else doing this?

I am 27 yrs old, and have been taking straterra at about 10pm(1-2hrs before bed)with some milk (for my stomach). I also take 3mg of Melatonin 1 hr before bed. I can sleep pretty well (say 4-6hrs soundly, the rest somewhat light).

The worst time for me was taking straterra in the morning or afternoon. It makes me tired at first then wired and restless. If you take it after dinner it seems to be the least bothersome. Melatonin really helps and I don't plan on taking it forever.. its a lot better than taking ambian which makes me hungover..

i am 15 years of age and have been on strattera for at least a year and i find it extreamly hard to sleep and only get a maximum of 8 hours with out tosing and turning and continuosly waking up

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