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This has been done, however custody hearings tend to take time. If you are 17, you will proably be a legal adult before the custody hearing process has been completed rendering the whole process moot.

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Q: Can a 17 yr old take her mother to court so that she can continue living with her dad.. even though her mother has full custody?
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He would have to petition the court. Unless the mother is unfit though he will get shared custody.

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Since she is not married to you and she has full custody yes, she can ask for it. if you are paying the bills you can ask for it to be reduced by the court though or ask her to drop it.

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Boyfriend or husband (unless he is the biological father) has no legal right to the child at all. The mother can try to go for full custody though.

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Usally you have to go though the courts,unless you and her can come to some agreement.

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If the mother is found by the court to be a more suitable guardian than the father, then yes, she can.

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If so ordered by the court

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Except in Arizona, the mother has sole custody and the father has to apply for his rights through the courts.

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no because that would be endangering the welfare of a minor

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With no courts orders in place, the father has no legal right to have the child living with him. The mother has sole custody and control in all states, and he can still be obligated to pay support for this time period. He needs to immediately file a motion with the court to establish his rights and for at least temporary custody, pending a full hearing, before she gets wind of the fact that she can take the child away from him at any time. see links below.