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If you are legally "competent" - at 18 you are probably legally emancipated in your state. You can leave home (if physically/mentally capable) but without any signs of physical abuse, I doubt that your grounds for suit are valid.

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Q: Can a 18 year old with a disability sue a step parent for verbal and emotional abuse?
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Depends on how traumatic the emotional abuse is.

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Not on a general basis, but if one partner wants to get a divorce from the other they can use 'emotional abuse' as a way to get that divorce. If one is emotionally abused, it is just as bad as being physically abused (you just can't see the scars) and the victim should leave their abuser.

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Sexual assault, physical attacks, verbal, psychological and emotional abuse

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You can't be HURTFUL and not abuse. Abuse can be verbal, emotional & mental. Talk to someone about it. Perhaps a school counselor or priest.

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No, it isn't right if a parent verbally abuses a child.

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