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Q: Can a chills cause back cause pain?
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Does Accutane cause back pain?

Yes, Accutane can cause back pain. Back pain (and joint pain) are a common side effect of taking Accutane.

Would getting Chills with no fever while taking meds for sciatic nerve pain have any relationship?

It is unlikely that getting chills without a fever while taking medication for sciatic nerve pain is directly related to the medication. Chills can be caused by various factors such as underlying infections or other health conditions. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the cause of the chills and evaluate any potential relationship with the medication.

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What can cause lower back pain and a small piercing pain on the upper hip?

I believe that shingles can cause lower back pain.

Could pleurisy cause chest rib and back pain?

yes it can cause back and chest pain.

Does not having a bowel movement cause lower back pain?

It can cause lower back pain but not always

What characterizes kidney infection?

The disease is characterized by fever, chills , back pain , and, often, the symptoms associated with bladder infection.

Can Copenhagen cause back pain?

Copenhagen is the capital and largest city of Denmark, how can it possibly cause back pain!

What question Do you ask a patient with urinary tract infection?

frequency, urgency, burning sensation, lower back pain, fever, chills

What type of shoes do you think would be likely to cause back pain?

shoes that are to small for you because they will smash your toe and it will cause Back pain

Can you have a miscarriage with out cramps chills fever or low back pain Just pass blood and tissue?

Yes you can. Chills and fever are signs of infection and it is quite possible to have a miscarriage without infection. A very early miscarriage may also be painless, though a later one witll probably give you cramps and/or lower back pain.

Can you have lower back pain from pneumonia?

Yes. I had back discomfort/pain for a couple of months and dismissed it to a pulled muscle. I went to my doctor and he prescribed muscle relaxer. After another two months I started having fever, chills, aches-went to clinic and doctor there took x-rays and determined I had pneumonia. He prescribed antibiotics and inhalers, felt great for a couple of months but started having same back discomfort again. Will be going back to doctor after holidays.