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Cold sores are caused by a virus infection, and are located around the mouth, on the line between the lip and the face skin.

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Q: Can a cold sore be on your face by the mouth?
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Related questions

What is a cold sore and what are the symptoms?

A cold sore is an inflamed blister around the mouth and lips. The symptoms of a cold sore are fever, sore throat, pain around the mouth, and swollen glands around the neck.

What is mouth herpes?

It is essentially a cold sore on the mouth area.

Can a child catch a cold sore from toys that a child with a cold sore has?

Only if the toy touched the cold sore in some way, and then touched the other child's mouth. yes

Can you catch a cold sore on your mouth if you already get them in your nose?

Not very likely. The herpes virus that causes cold sores "hides" in nerves and there are very few nerves in the nose area of the face compared to the mouth area.

Does desonide works for cold sores?

NO you shouldn't use that, specially if the cold sore is on or around the mouth. It's supposed to help sooth rashes and some skin conditions. They say not to apply it around the eyes, nose or mouth. Just get your self some cold sore cream from the pharmacy.

What if you have a cold sore in your mouth after making out?

A canker sore can be caused by many things. See the related link for more information on canker sores inside the mouth.

What causes a cold sore on the eye?

i have had a cold sore in my eye since i were 2 years it comes up every now and again . i do regualy take cold sore tablets from the doctor to get rid of it.. so i say yes you can get cold sores in your eyes .

In order to get a cold sore does someone have to come in direct contact with an active sore?

no it can be spread if you eat or drink the same consumables as the cold sore person or if they touch their face and then touch you or a door knob and then you touch the door knob and then touch your face

Kissing and cold sores?

Kissing can pass cold sores which are contagious. But cold sores are more likely to be passed when the person you're kissing has any signs of a cold sore. So if you or your partner has a cold sore then avoid kissing on the mouth until the cold sore is completely gone.

What is the most common way men and women treat and heal mouth sores?

Using a warm or cold compress can be helpful in relieving pain from a cold sore on the mouth. Going to a doctor for a prescription cream is an option that would help treat a mouth sore effectively.

Can a fan blowing on face cause a cold sore?

If your lips get dried or or chapped from the fan blowing on you or if the fan makes the area super cold then it could possibly trigger a cold sore.

Is a cold sore a form of hepatitis?

The herpes virus causes cold sores to appear.