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Not if the mother still have custody. He better have a good explanation to tell the judge why he has not seen his child for a year. If he has a good reason they would probably start with visitation. Full custody he can not get unless the mother is unfit.

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Q: Can a father get custody after not seeing his child after a year in the state of Missouri?
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If the father has legal custody and the child is a minor - yes.

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Mother has sole custody. I'm in KCMO. see link

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In Missouri, teen fathers have the same legal rights and responsibilities as adult fathers, including the right to seek custody or visitation with their child. It is important for teen fathers to be involved in their child's life and to establish paternity if it has not already been done. Teen fathers may also be responsible for child support.

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If you were never married to the father of the child(Children) custody HAS NOT been established. You must go to court and have custody determined. My child lived with me for 5 Years. The father paid support to the state of Missouri Which I entern received, and he visited on occasion. One weekend he picked her up for a visit and disappeared. No one would help because custody was never established. He had just as much right as I.

Father wants custody of child and the mother is sick?

Father must petition for custody and court will weigh what situation is best for the child

In Michigan if two people have a child together with no custody agreement can the mother take the child from the father?

Only in cases of illegitimate births. Well, the mother can take the child but she can't stop the child from seeing the father. the child deserves to see the father in their life. The father can also take the child back and the parents can share time with the child. Or the child can make his/her own decision to live with the mother or father.

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In Missouri can father take custody of child from mother because she moved 4 times due to income if child is a teen and does not want to go?

That's up to the interpretation of the judge. see link

What is the time frame for child abandonment so father can gain full custody?

A child does not need to be abandoned by their mother for a father to be awarded full custody. If the father can demonstrate before a judge that the mother is unfit to parent, the judge can award him full custody of the child.

If no father is listed who has legal custody of the child?

The mother. If she dies, her parents get custody.

Can a father keep his child out of state the child resides in?

sounds like kdnap to me. does the father have custody?