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No, the contract would have to be in default for the lender to sue and receive a judgemnt which could possibly be used as a lien against real property. The exception is Mechanic's liens which do not require a lawsuit to be implemented.

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Q: Can a lien be placed on a house for a personal loan debt if the loan payments are not overdue?
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Can a lien be placed on a house for a personal loan to pay off a debt?

If you have equity, yes

Can a house you own that you owe no payments on be placed under bankruptcy?

Sure, and is subject to seizure if the value is higher than your states real property exemption

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Does a house go into foreclosure for lack of homeowner payments?

At the discretion of the lender, a house can be foreclosed after a period of missing payments.

If you pay your overdue mortgage payments will your house still be foreclosed on?

as long as you pay all of the past due amounts including payments, interest, past due fees, whatever is due. They will not foreclose. If you have gotten to the point that you went into the sheriff sale and you are in your redemption period, if you have one in your state, than you have to pay off the full balance of the mortgage plus whatever fees are do to redeem your property.

What does monthly housing payments mean?

It means that you have to make monthly payments on your house.

If your house is va funded and you are behind on payments can the IRS keep your tax return?

The IRS itself has no interest in your tax refund, and they could frankly care less. However, the VA can have a judgment placed on you and seize your tax return for back payments, and the IRS will give it to them. They have to... it's the law.

What is the age limit for personal loans?

When taking out a personal loan, you have to be at least 18 years of age. When the bank runs your application for a personal loan, they will check your credit history, if you have any collateral and if you have made payments on your bills or house on time. All of these are factors in if the bank decides to give you a loan.

What is home insurance?

Home Insurance is Insurance coverage for your house, condo or apartment for your personal property and liability coverage for you. The insurance coverage for your house is also called homeowners insurance. The Homeowners isurance is an insurance package that has coverage for the dwelling, the others structures on your property, Loss of Use, Medical Payments and Personal Liability.

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A head. A crown is placed on top of a head, and a chimney is placed on top of a house.

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