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Asking how to repair a microwave oven is similar to asking how to repair a vehicle, or how to repair a space telescope. Certainly those things can be fixed, but there is a good bit of applied technology involved in building them, and that means anyone who is planning to fix one had better have a good bit of the knowledge working for him.

It is not a good idea to "tinker" with a microwave oven in order to attempt to repair it. It is extremely dangerous, as hazardous (even lethal) volatages are present inside a unit when it is powered up. The problem with a microwave oven is that there are a number of different causes for the failure of a unit, and to troubleshoot it requires a good knowledge of how it works. A thumbnail sketch of the workings of a microwave oven could be set down here, but they would probably prove insufficient to actually diagnose the problem. Additionally, it is improbable that a whole course of electricity and electronics could be presented here to allow an untrained individual to effect repairs.

It is better (and far safer) to have a qualified technical expert deal with any problems associated with a microwave oven than to do it yourself. Additionally, new ovens are not all that expensive in this day and age, and this is owing to the refinement of manufacturing technology. Call a repair shop and get an estimate or ball park cost, then make a good decision about whether or not to fix the unit or replace it.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Probably not. It's most likely just low power by design rather than something wrong. Check the power rating and compare to a microwave that you consider adequate.

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14y ago

If it appears to be working (the licht is on the and the tabel is tuning it is possible that the microwave gererator (the magnatron) has broken.

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13y ago

You should ask people who do that kind of stuff for a job.

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14y ago

most microwaves have a fuse

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12y ago

Taking it to someone to fix it.

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Q: Microwave oven not warming up food?
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Description of a microwave oven?

A microwave oven is a small electronic device used to heat food up quickly. It uses electromagnetic radiation to warm the food up.

How do you warm food up?

You can use a microwave, a stove top, an oven, or a fire to warm food.

What part of food heats up first in a microwave oven middle or outside?

The inside

How does a microwave Owen work?

Hi there a microwave generates heat by making micro waves which cook our food by vibrating the particles and making them heat by rubbing togather.This makes the food cook from inside out .The microwave oven can also cook food like an oven by heating up the inside and no just the food.

What are quick dinners?

Quick dinners are frozen package food or food frozen boxes you can just heat up in a microwave or a oven.

What does it mean when a can says heat in saucepan?

It means open up the can, put the food or whatever inside into a saucepan then light the cooker and heat it. You can heat it up in microwave oven but in my opinion, food is not so good when heated in oven.

The difference between oven cooked and microwave?

Microwave ovens cook food faster but are usually more expensive. Also food packages will have directions for cooking in microwaves, rarely will you find any with directions for a toaster oven. A toaster oven is a cross between a toaster and a oven. You can cook food that needs toasted in it. But you can also use it as you would a regular oven. It heats up fast so you can broil and bake without using as much energy as a regular oven or heating up the house. It is smaller so you would not be able to fit very much food in it at once. It is a good alternative though. Toaster ovens heat food with metal coils at the bottom which heat food evenly. Microwaves use radio waves to heat up the food. Keep in mind that studies have shown that microwaves ovens reduce the nutritional value of food.

Many people use a microwave oven to what leftover food?

They are used to heat up practically any leftovers. I, for one use my microwave at least once a day, and it's usually to heat up leftovers.

Why does a paper plate containing a potato doesnot heat up in microwave oven?

A microwave oven MAINLY heats hydrogen atoms, thus it warms water. A dry paper plate is less affected than most food, but beware of a wet plate.

What type of oven can heat up things very quickly?

a solar cooking oven

Why disc in microwave oven rotates at slow speed?


What is the purpose of the microwave oven?

The microwave oven is used to heat or cook foods quickly and efficiently. It is effective at heating anything with a high water content, so reheating drinks is a snap. The oven itself doesn't need to "warm up" to be effective, and many cups, bowls and plates can be put into the oven and used immediately upon removing them. A microwave oven also provides an unmatched level of convenience, and this is probably one of the supreme advantages of having this appliance handy.