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If they never let them go outside and keeps them like a prisoner inside, never let them go to school etc then yes. If you mean because you are grounded over the weekend, then no.

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Q: Can a parent be arrested if they dont let their kid leave the house?
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If you leave the house. If you dont leave the house

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In Montana, the legal age of majority is 18. This means individuals must be at least 18 years old to move out of their parent's house without their permission. However, there are exceptions for emancipated minors.

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you ask them to leave and if they dont get a restraining order on them

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if you egg a house,i think you can get arrested or get a ginormous fine .the reason you can get arrested is because it is violation and getting into some ones property! dont do that who ever you are!

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the dog doesn't like the dog house, dont leave him outside, it would be best to leave him indoors

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If you are 18, you are legally an adult and have the right to leave your home without your parent's permission. However, it's important to consider the potential consequences such as strained relationships or financial instability. It may be helpful to seek support from trusted individuals or resources if you are facing challenges in leaving home.

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When dealing with a narcissistic adult child, setting and maintaining firm boundaries is essential. This may include limiting contact, seeking support from a therapist or counselor, and focusing on your own well-being. It's important to prioritize your mental and emotional health while also recognizing that you cannot change someone who is not willing to change themselves.

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You would be reported and arrested so dont think about it

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It can but dont leave your fridge open for too long!

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Dont leave food out on the table. Keep dogs out of the house or room at dinner or after.Take your dog to a trainer.

What do you do when your sister keeps bugging you?

Go lock yourself in your room. If you dont have one of those, go leave the house.