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Dating is not illegal. Having sex would be illegal.

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Q: Can an 18 year old male get in trouble dating a 15 year old girl?
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Can an 18 year old guy get in trouble for dating an 15 year old girl in Michigan?

Yes. The age of consent is 18 and she is a minor dating an adult male. He can be arrested for rape and serve jail time.

Can a 18 year old girl get in trouble for dating a 17 year old boy in Florida?


Can a 18 year old girl get in trouble for dating a 16 year old girl?

No, But it could be frowned upon by some.

Can a 22 year old male get in trouble for dating a 19 year old girl in England?

No so long as it is a consenting 19 year old girl there wouldn't be any problem .. the legal age limit to have a sexual relationship with a girl in the UK is 16 years or above.

If a 16-year-old son is dating a 13-year-old girl can he get in trouble with the law for that?


Can a 17-year-old boy get in trouble for dating a 13-year-old girl?

no, it is not bad at all!

Can a 22 year old guy get in trouble for dating 17 year old girl if she has parental consent?


Can someone in the state of Arkansas get into trouble for dating a seventeen year old girl that has a child?


Can a 21 year old girl get in trouble for dating a 16 year old girl?

Whether a 21-year-old will get in trouble for dating a 16-year-old depends on the state. Even if the 16-year-old has reached the age of consent in her state, there may be a statute about how much older her partner can legally be.

Could a 21-year-old guy get into trouble for dating a 15-year-old girl?

only if you are sexually active

Can a 17-year-old emancipated male be in trouble for dating a 16-year-old girl with parental consent in Louisiana?

Yes! In the state of Louisiana, 18 is the age a male is considered an adult and 17 for the female. You don't even HAVE to be emanciapted for a 17 year old male to date a 16 year old female. It is totally legal!

Can a 27 year old male get into trouble by the law in PA for dating a 17 year old female?

There are no laws about dating in Pennsylvania, or any other state, so date away.