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By law no one can be discriminated against based on any medical condition...unless that condition prohibits you from performing you duties without reasonable accomodations. In other words not only are you protected by the HIPPA Laws, you are also protected by the ADA. The only reason an employer should even know that you are currently taking Xanax is if you fail the drug test based on a positive urine screen for benzodiazepines, and at that point you just show them your legal prescription from a licensed physician and you are golden! If an employer/prospective employer tells you that you are fired or that they cannot hire you based on this you have one hell of a lawsuit under the ADA laws. On the other hand if you are obtaining the Xanax through black market channels and do not have a prescription for it, then failed your drug test!! Hope this information helps!!

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14y ago
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13y ago

Yes, there should be no complications from stopping Xanax if you have not been taking it regularly or for an extended period of time. Suddenly stopping Xanax after one has been taking it regularly and has formed a tolerance to it will cause benzodiazepine withdrawal and this can be potentially life threatening and is horrifically uncomfortable.

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13y ago

Yes, depending on the dosage. I take 2 doses daily and I teach Pre-K. It does my you sleepy, but it keeps me calm.

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12y ago

Well, it depends how you are after taking xanax. I have taken it for 20 years and If I dont take too much, then yes i can work.

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I dont see why there would be a problem since there is only a once or twice dose of xanax, but it very addictive so be carefull. One .05 tablet should be good if you never use xanax. Then one for the return flight. I dont think 1mg is appropriate if you dont have a tolorance.

What medicanes is it not safe to take Xanax with?

well xanax is a benzodiazepine and can interact/interfere with lots of different medications. its considered a "downer" so definitely any "uppers" like adderal etc. or street drugs like crystal meth/cocaine are going to make you "speedball" and will affect your heart in a major way. as far as a medication that is a DEFINITE NO NO to take with xanax is methadone. i actually had a friend who took both together and didnt wake back up. ive had friends who've gone to methadone clinics and get random drug screens and benzos (xanax/klonopin/valium/etc) have shown up in their system and they were immediately taken off the methadone. as far as any other medications, id be careful with any of them when taking xanax. xanax is super dangerous by itself not just because of its addictive properties, but it makes you loopy and most people usually dont even remember what they did the day before when they took the xanax. my advice: def dont take methadone but do research on interactions with any drugs you plan on taking with xanax. just be careful! ;)

Withdrawl symptoms from xanax and vicodin last how long?

A couple of weeks. After the first week the second one isn't that bad (from the vic) I dont know about the xanax.

What hapend use of Xanax after cocaine?

depends on amount..but very bad idea...xanax mellows you out and coc speeds u up and u feel the cocain over xanax so dont mix, waist

What is the Fatal dose of Xanax for dogs?

i dont understand why a dog would ever be given xanax, as it is an anti-anxiety medication-- but if it accidentally swallowed some you should call the veterinarian and inform them of your dogs weight and how much xanax was ingested.

Can you take Vyvanse and Xanax together?

There are no known drug to drug interactions between these two medications, making them safe to take together. Make sure to contact you primary care provider prior to taking these two medications to ensure that it is safe.

How do you be a great boy friend?

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Is Xanax safe for pregnant women?

i think that if you think xanax wont hurt your unborn child, you need help. Your baby would come out with defects and half a brain missing. Dont even risk it.

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