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Yes, although not as well as a toothbrush and toothpaste.

Apples are a mildly acidic fruit. Because of their slightly astringent quality, they are an ideal food for cleansing and brightening teeth. The acidic nature of an apple is not enough to make a person's teeth pearly white. The acid needs the help of the fiber-rich flesh of the apple.

Crunchy foods, including apples, celery, and carrots, act like mini toothbrushes when they are chewed. The crunchy bits actually help scrub away stubborn stains. This does not happen in a day but will take a while. The cleansing effect may be noticeable, even if it's very slight, particularly if the apple eater is a coffee drinker who hadn't been eating apples every day to begin with.

After eating an apple, it's still important to brush your teeth. The apples still have sugar and acid in them which can damage the teeth. Leaving the sugar and acid on the teeth will reverse the benefits that eating an apple gave the teeth. Also, it's a good idea to brush away the loosened plaque from the teeth so that it cannot become reattached to the teeth. If a tooth brush is not available after an apple, rinsing the apple down with some water may be the next best thing.

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16y ago

The natural sugar contained in some apples is equivalent to a can of Coke. If you eat enough apples, just as if you drink enough Coke then yes, your teeth will eventually rot. Yes, it can actually, there is type of acid inside any kind of apple and enough of it can make the enamel on your teeth wear out. (BUT you'd have to eat more apples than your stomach can hold)

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11y ago

Yes, if your teeth starts to wiggle and starts to hurt, just eat the apple and it'll make your teeth fall asleep. Apples helps stop your teeth from getting hurt and helps you gain more vitamins and minerals.

Apples can only damage your teeth if they are hurting...go to the dentist and see why they hurt, apples cannot put your teeth to sleep..because teeth do not sleep..

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14y ago

No, but they can clean your teeth and no decay for you.

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11y ago

yes i tried it worked

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Q: Do apples clean teeth
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