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Q: Can you get sick from eating old molasses?
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Can you get sick from eating old brown rice?

Can you get sick eating old brown rice

Can you get sick by eating old carrots?

Only if they are rotten.

Will you get sick from eating frozen strawberries that are two years old?

You might.

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You can get sick from eating too much of anything.

Can you get sick from eating green salami?

Yes, you could get sick from eating green salami.

How sick would you get after eating pie a few weeks old?

some peoples stomache feels wierd

Can you get sick from eating too much gluten?

yeah you can get sick from eating too much of ANYTHING.

Can you get sick from eating too much healthy food?

You can get sick from eating too much of anything!

What process is used to remove the sulfur from molasses?

Sulfur is not removed from molasses. If you have seen molasses bottles that say "unsulphured" (old-fashioned spelling), it means that sulfur dioxide was not used in processing the molasses. Most molasses today is unsulfured.

Can you get sick from eating old fish?

It depends how the fish was kept, if frozen no you can not get sick but keep in mind the longer it sits in the freezer the taste of most soft meats will be effective. If the fish is kept outside yes you can get sick as bacteria will invade the meat.

Do chickens get sick from eating sunflower seeds?

No they get sick from eating orange pips and human people's hair.

I have a 14 year old sick dog?

How is the dog sick? As the dog been to the vet and is the dog eating and drinking water. You need to provide more information please.