

Can black holes emit radiation

Updated: 12/15/2022
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10y ago

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Yes it is theorized that black holes constantly emit radiation in the form of thermal energy (Heat) also called Hawking radiation and black-body radiation.

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Q: Can black holes emit radiation
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What kind of radiation does a black hole emit?

Black holes are believed to emit something called Hawking radiation.

What becomes of gamma radiation emitted by black holes?

Black holes do not emit anything.

What do black holes emit that could allow them to be detected from the earth?

Black holes does emit radiation, but they cannot be detected from earth. We use gravitational lensing to "see" the black holes.

What was Stephen Hawking discovery?

he dicovered that black holes emit radiation

What would happen if the milky way black hole became active?

It would emit a lot of radiation. Some distant black holes (or more accurately, the area around the black holes) emit more radiation than an entire galaxy. Such black holes are known as quasars.

How do black holes evaporate?

It's because they emit radiation, and radiation is a form of energy and energy is a form of mass.

How do you locate a black hole?

Black holes emit Hawking Radiation, which is the only way of locating one from a great distance

Why cant you see black holes from earth?

Black holes emit so very little radiation they are hard to see. Many black holes lie at the center of galaxies and there they are hidden by stars and dust.

Why can't people see black holes?

Black holes don't emit any radiation (except for an insignificant amount of Hawking radiation). However, if matter falls onto a black hole, it will emit x-rays before it reaches the event horizon (the point of no return), as a result of an enormous acceleration.

Why are there no real pictures of black holes?

Back holes don't emit radiation*. Photography works by reacting a chemical-coated strip by the light emitted by an object, or photochemically noticing the light. Thus, direct photography of black holes is practically impossible.

How do micro black holes evaporate?

It's because: they emit such small amounts of thermal radiation. The radiation is energy, and energy is a form of mass.

Why is stephan hawking significant?

well professor hawking was the one who figured out the theory that black holes can emit radiation