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its probably not breast milk, you need to go see a gyno because you may have an infection.

No it can't. You might want to go to your gynecologist and see if they can give you any more info.

Actually not a gynecologist but an endocrinologist. Producing milk is a sign of hyperprolactinemia, over-production of prolactin, the hormone which stimulates milk production. May be a pituitary problem,not usually serius but needs treatment.

It at other times has other causes and there is no ideal treatment available for it as the underlying cause is not apparent, it is usually harmless in this case and the only harm it can cause is to your ego in the chance a leakage occurs.

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Q: Can breast milk come out when a home pregnancy test was negative?
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no, producing breastmilk, or breastfeeding will not alter the outcome of a home pregnancy test. ~pawsalmighty

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Yes home pregnancy tests aren't always effective. I suggest taking another or going to the doctor to find out for sure

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Breast enlargement can be a symptom of pregnancy, but it's not the ONLY symptom. The only certain way to find out is a pregnancy test, either by way of a home testing kit, or a blood test taken by a doctor.

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It is possible to get a false negative on a at home pregnancy test but it is not common. Go to your doctor and have a blood test done.

What could be wrong with you i am 15 days late and you have taken 4 home pregnancy tests and they have all come out negative?

i would get a blood pregnancy test done. maybe your HCG levels are just really low. Could also be a chemical pregnancy

If you were a month in a half along would a home pregnancy test be able to be negative?

I'm 14 weeks pregnant and my home pregnancy test still come out negative. Due to some woman just are not able to get an accurate result. You're doctor may recommend getting a blood test. Those are usually 100% accurate .

Your period is not due for another week and a half Can you still have pregnancy symptoms and a negative home pregnancy test?

Yes you definitely can!

If you are 2 weeks 4 days pregnant will a pregnancy test show up positive or negative?

A home pregnancy test will show up most probably negative in this case.

How late into pregnancy could your pregnancy tests results still come back negative?

You should wait to test at least 14 to 16 days after ovulation. However some women don't get accurate readings because they don't know when they ovulated, they ovulated late, or implantation was late. Most women are able to get an accurate home pregnancy test in 4 to 8 weeks of pregnancy. If you get negative home test and still feel that you may be pregnant you should see a Dr for a blood test as it can detect pregnancy much sooner.