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Yes, it can also cause general confusion in a 'dementia' type effect, however it is temporary (unlike demetia!)

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Q: Can extreme stress cause memory loss?
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Can loss of consciousness lead to loss of memory?

It depends upon whether they hit their head or not. A bump to the head can cause memory loss. Another cause of memory loss is stress or anxiety.

Can stress make someone look older?

Stress can make you age faster than other people due to the toll it takes on the body. Stress can cause high blood pressure, an upset stomach, headaches, and make existing medical conditions worse.

Natural memory loss supplements for seniors?

im not an expert but no there isnt. memory loss is caused by many things for example aging,stress,overwork cause memory loss. maybe relaxing and having fun can help your father regain some of his memory?

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Not a headach but a migrane. Migranes can be cause by sudden Extreme light or extreme stress. Migranes can cause loss of vison. Mallory

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What could cause memory loss at a young age?

Memory Loss at a young age could be caused due to stress or anxiety or you may be one of many who suffer from a bad memory. You can improve your memory by challenging it with puzzles, sudoku and crosswords. Reading will also help and trying online memory tests will also help.

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Can severe blood loss cause memory loss?

It can cause confusion in the short term. But it would not cause long term memory loss, unless there was some type of brain damage.

What ailment is discribed as the loss of ones memory?

Amnesia, but Dementia and Alzheimer's also cause loss of memory.

Can menopause cause memory loss?

Here you are more likely to suffer from mood swings then loss of memory.

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What is the cause of loss of memory?

One of them is earwax.