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Yeah! But most people would freak out when the water entered their lungs, start coughing and suffocate, so have CPR standing by!

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Q: Can humans breathe in super oxygenated water?
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Fish breathe in water with oxygen. What is the property of water?

One of water's properties is its ability to become oxygenated.

How much water do you breathe out?

i don't think humans breathe in any water but they do breath out water

Do humans breathe faster in cold water?


Why are you not able to breathe under water?

because humans do not have gills.

Can a human being breath under water?

No, humans do not have the ability to breathe under water

How much water vapour do humans breathe out in one night?

About a pound

How much water in human breath?

i don't think humans breathe in any water but they do breath out water

Why dont humans breath through their skin?

Humans have water proof skin and that is why we cant breathe through it.

Can mice breathe under water?

No. If you have a mouse do not put it underwater or you will drown it. Mice breathe with their lungs just like humans.

Why are fish only able to breathe in water?

fish do not have lungs, so they are unable to breathe air as humans and mammals etc. do

Does a duck breathe through lungs or gills?

Ducks breathe the same way as us humans

Do dingos in the outback need water?

Yes They are mammals and have about as much water in their bodies as humans. When they breathe they almost definitely breathe out water vapour. They must drink water at some stage or they will expire.