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Q: Can low oxygen levels cause hallucinations?
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Where in the body would you find low oxygen levels causing vasoconstriction and high levels causing vasodilation?

Low oxygen levels cause vasodilation in systemic arterioles.High oxygen levels cause vasodilation in capillaries in the lungs.

Does low oxygen levels cause tingling feet and hands?

It can if you slept on them in a restrictive way.

Could having one lunge cause low oxygen in blood?

Yes, but if you are searching for the reason a person has low oxygen levels this is most likely NOT the answer.

What is oxygen depletion?

When oxygen levels in water get low... When algae takes over a lake. The oxygen levels will get low.

Can anaemia cause heart flutters?

Yes anaemia can cause heart flutters (palpitations). The cause is usually due to the heart trying to compensate for low oxygen levels in the body. Anaemia is an abnormally low amount of haemoglobin in the blood, which is the part of blood which carries oxygen. Therefore, low haemoglobin levels lead to low oxygen levels. In response, the heart will often try to increase the amount of blood pumped around the body, to meet the body's demand for oxygen by beating faster. This can cause a high heart rate which can lead to palpitations or heart flutters.

Why do catfish survive in low-oxygen levels better than trouts?

it is because catfish can survive in low-oxygen levels. Trout survives at higher oxygen levels

How do geese adapt to low oxygen levels?

Imo, levels are more legitimate than they are low

Do people get confused with the low oxygen level on mount Everest?

Yes they can get confused with the low oxygen. It has made some climbers get Hallucinations. Read the article at the link given for more details.

A decrease in the blood's ability to transport oxygen is called what?

The correct name for low levels of oxygen in the blood is hypoxaemia. Low levels of oxygen in the body tissues is called hypoxia

What color is skin with low levels of oxygen?


Does low oxygen levels make you sleepy?


What is the medical terminology for low oxygen levels?

It is hypoxia.