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in the past 2 months i have missed several pills and been very stupid about taking my pills, and now i have missed 2 peroids in a row. i have a 14 month old baby so i know how being pregnant feels but i dont feel anything. i have taken 3 pregnancy tests and they were all negative, but ive known people who had negative results but were in fact pregnant! i am so confused. i have also miscarried 2 times and had a premature baby at 21 weeks whom passed away. i dont know whats going on? we have been "careful", but u can never be careful enough. could i just not have a period due to the pills being messed up???

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Q: Can missing birth control pills affect my period . i have missed a few pills and missed my last 2 periods but 3 negative pregnancy tests?
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Can you have negative pregnancy tests normal periods and be on birth control and be pregnant?

yes but more likely not to be you should go check with a doctor

Does missing periods for a month mean pregnancy?

It may or it may not. To find out you will have to do a pregnancy test. There ar other reasons for missing you period, although it is a common sign for pregnancy.

Why is period late 2 weeks?

Many things can delay your period such as: * Pregnancy * Irregular periods * Hormonal imbalance * Stress * Illness * Missing birth control

You had two periods within two weeks can you be pregnant?

No. Missing periods are an indication of pregnancy, not having too many.

How many periods are too many to miss in a row?

Missing any amount of periods, even if it's just one, can be an indication of pregnancy. If you miss your period, take an EPT (pregnancy test) right away. If you take the test and it's negative, consult your family doctor. There can always be serious issues that are the reason to missed periods.

Is missing periods a sign of pregnancy?

Yes it is the main sign of pregnancy, so if there is a chance that you could be pregnant, you should take a pregnancy test.

Why are my periods delayed the and negative pregnancy test?

too much stress!

The doctors gave me a pregnancy test and it came back negative but my period is still late Could the test have been a false negative or is it just stress and hormones?

If the test was administered by doctors then it is highly unlikely that you are pregnant, especially if they did a blood test. Missing periods is not unlikely and does happen in women with high levels of stress, malnutrition, or sickness. If it continues to worry you then go see a gynecologist and get a regular checkup and pap smear then see if it may be best to go on the birth control shot or pills. These control hormone levels and correct your missing periods.

Does a irregular period be a sign of pregnancy?

I wouldnt say irreuglar periods are a sign of pregnancy its usually actually missing a period for about 2 , 3 or even 4 times(months) in a row. Irregualr periods mean that your body is just developing differently. I reccomend Yaz birth control pills , they regualate ur periods very well.

Why would you miss a period while being on birth control?

Hello, There is a few possibilitis as to why you would miss a period when on birth control. These possibilitis are: * Missing or taking too many Birth control pills. * Taking MAP or ECP. * Doseage of BC pills being too high for you. * Pregnancy. See your Doctor for a pregnancy blood test.

How do you tell if pregnant?

you can do a pregnancy test at your doctor. if you don't want to be tester, missing 2 periods in a row is usually a sign of pregnancy

What do i do I am 20 days late on periods and no symptoms of pregnancy and negative pregnancy test?

Go and see a doctor!! Obvious...