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Possibly. This is an issue where the consumer's state exemption laws apply. Some states protect all types of investments, some protect specific ones, and some states none at all. Sorry, but w/o knowing the state of residency it is not possible to give a more definitive answer.

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Q: Can mutual funds and investments as such be seized by creditors?
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How do mutual funds obtain capital besides investors investments and charging investors fees?

There are no other ways for mutual funds to obtain capital

What are the types of equity?

There are many of them, but two of them are mutual funds, and fidelity investments

When people invest in mutual funds they are making loans to banks and their investments are insured by the FDIC True or False?

True. When people invest in mutual funds they are making loans to banks and their investments are insured by the FDIC.

Why might one invest in mutual funds?

One might invest in mutual funds to get good returns for their money. The whole idea is to make a profit and mutual funds enable one to gamble on investments.

What are mutual funds in regards to retirement savings?

Mutual funds are shared investments that are open to most people. In regards to retirement savings, one can use mutual funds to gain a steady supply of money.

What kind of website is FundsNetwork?

FundsNetwork is a site owned by Fidelity Investments. It supports mutual funds companies which do their distribution of funds through Fidelity Investments.

What are the 2 types of equities?

There are many of them, but two of them are mutual funds, and fidelity investments

What informative websites can tell me what mutual funds investments are?

Mutual funds are best sought through your bank or bank website. You will find out the different types of mutual funds, the different levels of risk and whether you want them at all.

What is a mutual funds manager?

Mutual Fund Manager is a Persona in Asset Management Company (AMC), who handles all the Mutual Fund Investments, Who handles all the money of investors which has been invested in Mutual Funds.

What are the safest government bond mutual funds to invest in from Anchorage, AK?

Ak Investment Corp,Edward Jones Investments,Hulen Investments, K & S Family Investments ,North Country Investments,Schneiter & Stiehm Planning & Investments,Denali Alaskan Investment Services,Design Investments are few of the safest government bond mutual funds to invest.

Are mutual funds insured?

No they are not. Mutual funds are stock market investments and hence they are not insured. There is always a possibility of an investor suffering a loss if the mutual fund house makes wrong investment decisions.

How do mutual fund and hedge fund investments differ?

Mutual funds are only different from hedge funds in that they are purchased completely up front whereas hedge funds are paid for over time.