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I don't know any animal that is really fussy about where to have sex - including parakeets.

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Q: Can parakeets mate if they have a nest but not a nesting box?
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What type of nest is needed for parakeets to mate?

a box

How do you introduce a nesting box to parakeets?

just place the nest box near the top of cage and make sure they have access to get in it and leave them alone

What kind of stuff do pet parakeets use make their nest in a cage?

This bird has strange nesting habits. It will use nothing for nesting material. It will lay its eggs and sit on them just on the floor of its cage or nesting box or floor of the aviary.

What are budgies nests made out of?

Parakeets don't really make nests like finches for example. In wild they nest in holes in trees, and in captivity they need nesting boxed. wild budgies use hollow trees for there nest. Domesticated budgies you have to buy a nest box or they will not mate also if u want to know how to make a nest box goggle it for peace sakes

How Do I Get My Parakeets To Go Inside Their Nesting Box?

Do not force them they can do it there self when they want to

If your parakeet laid an egg does it need a nesting box?

In the wild, most birds would find hollows in tree trunks that other animals made and nest in them. If you are trying to breed your parakeets, you will need a nesting box. Petsmart has them, make sure you get the right size, and don't get a dark colored one. That sometimes will make them ignore it.

Why does my pair of budgies always go in the nest box when there are no eggs?

This is typical pre-nesting behaviour. The budgies, in particular the female, are preparing the nesting box for nesting. Some pairs of budgies never successfully breed, but they still display all the signs and behaviour of wanting to nest.

Why do parakeets need a breed box to hatch their eggs and what is a breed box?

Parakeets, like most other domestic Birds, like to have a place that is most like a nest. A Breed Box is a special box made out of wood or some other material. In some Breed Boxes, there may or may not be a shallow dip in it, so the mother bird thinks her 'nest' is, well, more like a nest like in the wild.If you provide a nest box, it will Encourage a pair of birds to mate, and if the the female does in fact lay eggs, then she would most likely lay them in the most nest-like spot she can find in her cage.Sometimes birds will not mate or lay eggs because they do not have a Breed Box. I know this from past experiances with my own pairs of birds. I hope my info helped you =D

What does a nesting box look like for a parakeet?

parakeets love to be protective of there baby's and they also like dark and private spaces since a nesting box is dark and small and private they will love to hatch they baby eggs in a nesting box and so they eggs cant fall and be safe too.

Do parakeets need a nest?

Parakeets need a nest box but not a "nest" in the traditional sense. A typical Parakeet nest box measures about 10" by 10" by 10" with a hole in the front (like a bird house) and a back where you can remove the top half to check the chicks and clean it out. In the bottom of the box, you place a wooden insert the same size as the box with a concave cut-out in the center (makes a shallow dish so the eggs stay in one place). You hang the box on the outside of the cage with the hole and a dowel (for perching) mated and secured up against a seed cup hole. No nesting material is used at all and the birds like it that way.

Can the parakeet birds mate if the nesting box is on the center of the cage?

birds on the ground are in the preditors zone . so if given a choice no they wouldn't nest there. but if that's where it's at they might . but they will never feel safe there.

Can parakeets from petco or PetSmart mate?

Yes parakeets from pet stores such as pet smart and petco can breed and produce offspring. It is just a bit harder to do. To breed them, give them lots of sunlight for at least 10 hours a day. Then, make sure you have a male and a female. Then, make sure you give them a nesting box with wood shavings etc. for them to use as nesting material. To get them to go into the nesting box make sure you have treats around or inside it to lure them into it. Once they feel comfortable with the nesting box, they will breed and have babies. Please note that breeding parakeets can go wrong in many ways.. Even the parents can die if something goes wrong. Please have a certified Avian veterinarian that you can talk to commonly for questions and help if something were to go wrong. - hope this helped!