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Yes it can, but you shouldn't try it.

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Q: Can pressure on the Vagus Nerve cause a blackout?
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Lap Band fill cause Vagus nerve damage?

The vagus nerve is located in the arm of a human. The lap band fill procedure can cause nerve damage to this nerve.

How does the vagus nerve affect sinus bradycardia rhythm?

Vagus nerve stimulation in vasovagal attack in the cause of sinus bradycardia. Vagus nerve stimulation may stop the heart.

Can vagus nerve damage cause seizures?

Yes, it can as the vagus nerve relays the parasympathetic inhibition of the heart rate.

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Can vagus nerve cause pain in back or legs or hip?

Very Unlikely, as the Vagus Nerves have nothing to do with those areas.

Can a compression fracture cause vagus nerve damage?

No. The left and right vagus nerves are located in the lateral portions of the neck, and run from superior (top) to inferior (bottom), proximal (close to) to the carotid arteries, and down into the thoracic cavity. A compression fracture usually will not affect the vagus nerve.

Impulses that are carried to the heart by means of the vagus nerve are?

Parasympathetic impulses and cause the heart rate to decrease.

Can vagal nerve damage cause some people experience a runny nose while eating?

Yes. The Vagus Nerve is associated with the production of mucus.

What is the cause of excessive yawning?

Excessive yawning can be caused by a vasovagal reaction. A vasovagal reaction is caused by the action of a nerve on the blood vessels. This nerve is called the vagus nerve. It may indicate a heart problem.

Does pressure on the root nerve cause pain?

Pressure on the nerve root can definitely cause pain and it may also cause sensory and/or motor deficits.