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if the mother is gettin prenatal care and fails a drug test, she'll be instructed to stop her drug use. if she continues to use anyway, and harms the baby( like the baby is born with fetal alcohol sydrome or born addicted to crack/heroin/meth) then yes. yes, social services will take the child from her and she will not get the child back until she gets clean and can prove she is capable of caring for the child. if the child is born addicted to drugs the baby will go thru withdrawal. and theres a very big chance that the baby will die.

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Q: Can social services take away an unborn baby that the mother does drugs?
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How does the addiction of drugs from the mother get to the baby?

Drugs in the mother's bloodstream pass across the membrane of the placenta, and transfer to the unborn baby's blood by the umbilical cord, which connects the baby to the placenta.

Is the unborn baby going to have a short life if her mother are taking illegal drugs?

No but the kid will most likely be emotionally troubled and begin using drugs earlier than their peers.

Is it a crime to use drugs during pregnancy?

You should be more concerned about what drugs will do to the unborn baby than with what the law can do to you. There are several severe development defects that are directly related to the mother doing drugs during pregnancy.

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Can science do anything to protect unborn babies from drugs?

As far as I know there is only one thing to do and that is down to the mother - to quit using them. There is no quick cure.

What affects would drugs have on an unborn baby?

It would depend on which drugs and at what dosage.

How long will it take your unborn baby to test clean for drugs?

This question needs to be much more clearly written. It would be unnecessary to test an unborn baby for drugs. All you'd have to do is test the mother while she's pregnant. If she's positive, then so is the baby. If you want to know how long after being born the baby will test positive for drugs if the mother was using drugs while she was pregnant, then it depends on a few factors. Which drug? How much was she using? What is the kidney / liver function of the newborn? It's not a simple answer.

Pregnancy and drugs?

Best avoided. Many drugs will interfere with the health of the unborn child. Children from smokers are usually born smaller and will need years to chatch up .

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Can they take unborn baby if marijuana is in there syestem?

If the mother is smoking pot while pregnant the infant will be tested when born for the drug. When a mother takes drugs it is considered child abuse and the state can/will remove the child. A child born with drugs is often premature, small, and may show brain damage.

How do you detox your unborn baby if exposed to drugs?

Don't use drugs, period. Especially don't use drugs when you're pregnant.

How can I report a pregnant mother who uses drugs and alcohol?

Call Child Protective Services or any law enforcement agency.