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Like anything, the art of concentrating takes discipline. You have to adapt to your environment if you want to be able to cope/live your life.

Yes, they can, if they aren't whiney little bitches.

This particular student concentrated on work and managed to graduate while holding down two jobs, one of them full time.

Anyone student whining about temperature is fishing for excuses not to work.

Probably not. They should concentrate on their grammar instead of the temperature.

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Q: Can students concentrate on work if their too cold or too hot?
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when the weather is not so cold but not so hot either. not so cold because there brains will be chilled and if it is a blizzard than you cant go to school that often and cant learn that often really hot weather the kids will be worrying how hot it is instead of doing school work's it may differ but i recommend Oakland because its in between.

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