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Q: Can the liver cause bladder infections?
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What can enter the bladder through the urethra and cause infection?

It's filtered out by the kidneys and goes through the ureters down to the bladder.

I have been drinking a lot of Gatorade is that bad for a bladder infection?

I am not sure Gatorade can be a cause of bladder infections but in my experience it has been a contributing factor to bladder irritation.

Can the pill cause bladder infections?

yes because you an egg

What often occur in the bladder and spreads to the kidneys?

Microorganisms cause infections which affect the urinary system. Usally the infections start in the bladder and spread to the kidneys.

What health hazards does cloud nine bath cause to your body?

Can cause bladder infections.

Can cats cause urinary or bladder infections in people?

NO! In what way could a cat effect a bladder problem????????

Can bladder infections cause false positives in home pregnancy tests?

No it can not.

Can you be dizzy from bladder infections?

You could be dizzy from any internal infection which affects a major internal organ. Bladder infections though don't cause dizziness normally.

Can taking doxycycline cause a bladder infection?

no, it's actually often used to treat a bladder and urinary tract infections.

Can the liver get fungus?

There is a variety of fungi that can cause deep and systemic infections.

What do blocked ducts of the liver cause in liver cancer patients?

The tumor may block the ducts of the liver or the gall bladder, leading to jaundice.

Can bladder infections cause seizures?

It should not so if that has happened see a doctor ASAP!