

Can we taste the substances

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Can we taste the substances
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Why is it imposable to taste substances with a dry tongue?

becuase it is,

It is impossible to taste substances with a what tongue?

with a 'dry' tongue

How does basic substances taste?

bitter but it is probably incorrect

Must substances be in solution for us to taste it?

Substances can be tasted only when they are in water solutions, and if a substance is not in solution when taken into the mouth, it must be dissolved in saliva before it can be detected by the taste buds

How can you taste?

Taste is one of the five senses, it uses sensory impressions of food or other substances on the tongue. The taste buds on the tongue help the person taste the food.

Why is it impossible to taste substances with a dry to?

It is impossible to taste substances with a dry tongue because when the tongue is wet, the wetness releases the action of tasting.the tongue has to be wet so that the afferent fibers from the taste buds can send the chemical compounds to the brain to be identified.

Are some substances safe to taste?

No, substances aren't safe to taste, because you don't know where they've been and whoose touched them. So why risk it? { espically if you're in a labratory, doing an experiment}

Why is it impossible to taste substances with a dry tongue?

It is impossible to taste substances with a dry tongue because when the tongue is wet, the wetness releases the action of tasting.the tongue has to be wet so that the afferent fibers from the taste buds can send the chemical compounds to the brain to be identified.

Olfactory cells and taste buds are normally stimulated by?

Substances in solution

What is a substance twhat tastes sour or bitter when dissolved in water?

Acids taste sour, alkaline substances taste bitter.