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You collect disability only if you show that you are unable to perform work, not that you worked as long as you have. If you worked eight years and there are justifiable reasons for quitting, as determined by your state's employment security office then you might be eligible for unemployment benefits. This has nothing to do with the Social Security you are presently receiving.

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Q: Can you collect disability after working eight years if you are 72 years old and collect Social Security from your deceased spouse?
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Can you collect disability from the state of Illinois?

Illinois does not have state short term disability. Social Security disability is a federal program.You can get short term disability in Illinois by through your employer, or by working with an agent.

Can you collect state disability and social security at the same time in California?

You should be able to. If you are working past retirement age and paying in to state disability you should be able to collect up to 12 months. State disability is different then federal social security. If you are paying in and its within the 12 months you should be eligible to collect on what you paid for, it is insurance.

Im you able to work and collect disability for arthritis?

In Australia it depends on the amount you make working.

Is a bipolar 18 year old eligible for disability?

can my daughter who is 18 with bi polar collect disability. she has a hard time in school also working.

What is the oldest you can be and collect long term disability?

There is typically no age limit to qualify for long-term disability benefits. As long as you have a qualifying disability that prevents you from working, you can apply for and receive benefits regardless of your age.

Is it hard to get disability insurance if your disability isn't serious?

This depends on what you mean by not "serious". A disability is a disability. Check the disability laws for the state you reside in to find out what the requirements are in order for one to collect disability insurance. If your disability prevents you from working or performing normally, then it is still serious.

How much do you get monthly income on social security disability income?

How much money can I earn monthly while on Social Security disability Insurance

Can you collect disability while working?

no i believe not because they believe you are a hundred percent or able to work so you stop getting your funding

Can a working woman who receives social security survivor's insurance also collect her own social security benefits upon retirement?

Yes she can.

Do you have to contribute to Social Security if you collect Social Security benefits and work full time?

Yes. Benefits from Social Security are not prevented by working, but may be modified depending on how close to full retirement age you are and how much you are earning while receiving those benefits.

Can you work while receiving social security disability If so, what is the maximum amount income allowed?

While receiving social security disability benefits, the maximum amount of additional monthly income allowed from working is $900 a month gross.

Can you collect unemployment and Social Security in Illinois at age 62?

i was laid off today, not due to poor performance, budgetary concerns. planned on working till 66.5 ....I am 62 ...can I collect unemployment and social security>