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I cook fresh tomato sauce in my Magnalite all the time and never get a horrible metallic taste. I use a wooden spoon to stir it, though.

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Q: Can you cook tomato sauce in a porcelain enamel pot?
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Can molded homemade tomato sauce be reheated and eaten?

No. Discard any moldy tomato sauce. You cannot cook it safe.

How Long Does Tomato Sauce Cook For?

You can make a quick sauce that cooks just long enough to heat the tomatoes through or you can make a more complex sauce with more ingredients that may have to cook for hours. The main factor is in the ingredients. If there are ingredient that need heat and time to blend their flavors you need to cook it longer. Or if the tomato sauce is too watery, the cooking may be needed to thicken it.

How do i substitute fresh tomato's for cans of tomato paste and sauce?

To cook your fresh tomatoes into a sauce or a paste, chop and blend them. Cook in a wide pan on medium low until the tomatoes have reduced to a sauce or paste according to your liking stirring constantly Season with salt and a bit of sugar if necessary. Careful to not burn.

Can you cook tomato sauce with sherry?

Yes, although i'd boil the sherry first to remove the alcohol !!

Is it bad to cook frozen raw hamburger meat in tomato sauce in the crock pot?

No, not at all. This method of cooking has been done for a long time. This is okay to cook this way.

You are making spaghetti sauce will it stick if you use a copper bottom pan?

do not use copper or aluminum to cook acidic foods like tomato sauce it will taste bad from a chemical reaction

How much tomato is in a paste?

That is a matter of personal taste, Tomato paste is condensed tomato sauce so its purpose in a sauce would be to thicken what you already have without spending the time to cook it down. I use one large can of tomato sauce and one small, one small can of stewed tomatoes ( use potato masher on them to reduce the big chunks) one can of tomato paste, one can of mushrooms ( I like them ) a package of schilling tomato sauce seasoning, and about 6 cut up cooked hot Italian sausage.

What can i cook for a dinner party where i need 2 dishes one vegetarian and one non vegetarian?

You can cook spaghetti with tomato sauce, and have meatballs on the side. That way your vegaterians can eat the tomato sauce and noodles and the real eaters can add some meatballs.. Garlic Bread and salad also go great with spaghetti, all of which are easy to make.

How do you cook hot-dogs when camping?

you can bring hot dogs you have already cooked.Or bring tomato sauce,mustard and buns and cook the hot dogs over a camp fire with adult supervision.

What are healthy recipes that you can cook?

When you are looking to cook healthy, you can never go wrong with lean proteins and whole grains. Boneless skinless chicken breast, with whole wheat pasta and tomato sauce is a great healthy meal.