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Yes. But he will only devalue you again. I know you are hurting and maybe even thinking of accepting crumbs from him, rather than dealing with the pain. But you must face the fact that at some point you are going to have to walk through the pain rather than relying on a temporary fix from him. If you continue to be with this person you will lose yourself more and more with each cycle. He is on a mission to destroy you. I went through this. The best thing I have done is to completely ignore him. I act like hes not around. I am breaking the cycle and taking care of me, as he never would look out for my emotional well being. Please stay away from this man, he is dangerous.

I agree with the above answer. I have been devalued hardcore by my N. In a way, I want him to come back to me so I can get back at him but he would probably sweet talk me and make me believe that he is in love with me. I refuse to go through that pain again so I kind of hope he never contacts me again. I know I won't ever contact HIM again...

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Q: Can you ever become a source of narcissistic supply again to a narcissist that devalued you before?
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I don't believe narcissist were abused But rather indulged?

My departed husband was a narcissist. His father was narcissistic as well, a verbally and physically abusive alcoholic. I believe that the narcissistic role model and abuse contributed to my husband's being a narcissist. I think that some narcissistic people were not abused but indulged, told that they were special and different...a sense of entitlement. My mother was also a narcissist, and her mother was non functioning so Mom was neglected, a different type of abuse. They rob your soul if you let them. Often people who are addicted to alcohol and/or drugs tend to be narcisstic. I attend Al-Anon and now have a joy and peace I never knew before, understanding this complicated personality, and how to not be involved for you cannot change another person. Learn why you are with such complicated people to begin with!

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Narcissists usually will pick someone with a good nature, someone that is kind and empathetic. They also zero in on a person who is needy. Such a person will forgive the narcissist for their abuse and permit the narcissist to manipulate and control them.Co-dependent individuals are prime meat for a narcissist. Such individuals will stay in an abusive relationship long after anyone else would've left. The co-dependent individual will blame themselves for a lot of the problems in the relationship and feel they cannot survive without the narcissist, allowing the narcissist to extract narcissistic supply from them through abuse and extracting idealisation from them.Self confident and strong willed individuals are not preferred by narcissists as these type of people will challenge the narcissists bad behaviour and not permit the narcissist to get away with their abusive and exploitative ways.Further, those with few friends, who come from troubled backgrounds are preferred by narcissists. These individuals are the most vulnerable to narcissistic abuse and manipulation and provide a steady stream of narcissistic supply.

Is it common for a narcissist to disown a child?

Unfortunately, I would say it is more common for a child to work hard to try to please the narcissistic parent, sacrificing their own dreams, development and dignity in the process. The most likely reason I can see that a narcissist would disown a child would be that the child has decided to take a stand for him/herself. If a child insists on being an independent person who will not pander to the childish needs of the narcissist, then the narcissist will fight to win them back or disown them. In this case, the narcissist will always be looking for the opportunity for the child to come crawling back and give the parent the idolization the parent "deserves." Of course, there can be many other situations, other factors, and other outcomes. You have to objectively view the factors in your situation before coming to any real conclusions. Best of luck!

Is it true that sometimes the Narcissist will be extra nice to you just before you're discarded?

There is no rule in these matters - so, no, it is not universally true. It depends on the narcissist in question.

On Friday september131992 the lira was worth DM 0.013 over the weekend the lira devalued against the DM to DM 0.012 by how much did the lira devalue against the DM?

This problem may be solved by subtracting the value AFTER devaluation from the value BEFORE devaluation. Lira WAS worth 0.013 and devalued to 0.012.: 0.013 - .0.12 = .001 is how much it devalued.

How to break up with a narcissist?

Before you break up. Try your best to change the person.

Should you expose a narcissist to their spouse if they are having an affair with your spouse?

Just because this person is a narcissist doesn't make then much different than anyone else cheating with your spouse and you should be more concerned about your spouse cheating. By all means sit down with the narcissists spouse and tell the whole story, but be sure you have absolute proof before doing so. Don't be surprised if the narcissist's spouse becomes angry and is denial, but, in time the spouse will become to believe it.

Could a never before married man in his early forties who secretly chooses to date several women at once with no plans for commitment ever in his future be considered a misogynist or a narcissist?

A mysogynist is a woman hater. A narcissist is mentally ill. A cad is what you are.

Can you confront a narcissistic mother about being a narcissist Can you let them know how narcissism damaged you?

If you want them to know exactly what gets to you and how to do it and how hurt you feel when they do it then go right ahead. Think about that before you allow the person who can inflict the most damage on you to know your inner most thoughts and feelings. They will either hurt you harder in the same way, or you will make them feel guilt and they will hurt you again for making them feel guilty. You cant change them but you can change yourself.

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Not necessarily. While individuals with low self-esteem may be more susceptible to getting involved with a narcissist, it is not a universal rule. People with different personality traits or vulnerabilities can also find themselves in relationships with narcissists for various reasons.

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The narcissistic leader is the culmination and reification of his period, culture, and civilization. He is likely to rise to prominence in narcissistic societies. The malignant narcissist invents and then projects a false, fictitious, self for the world to fear, or to admire. He maintains a tenuous grasp on reality to start with and this is further exacerbated by the trappings of power. The narcissist's grandiose self-delusions and fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience are supported by real life authority and the narcissist's predilection to surround himself with obsequious sycophants. The narcissist's personality is so precariously balanced that he cannot tolerate even a hint of criticism and disagreement. Most narcissists are paranoid and suffer from ideas of reference (the delusion that they are being mocked or discussed when they are not). Thus, narcissists often regard themselves as "victims of persecution". The narcissistic leader fosters and encourages a personality cult with all the hallmarks of an institutional religion: priesthood, rites, rituals, temples, worship, catechism, mythology. The leader is this religion's ascetic saint. He monastically denies himself earthly pleasures (or so he claims) in order to be able to dedicate himself fully to his calling. The narcissistic leader is a monstrously inverted Jesus, sacrificing his life and denying himself so that his people - or humanity at large - should benefit. By surpassing and suppressing his humanity, the narcissistic leader became a distorted version of Nietzsche's "superman". But being a-human or super-human also means being a-sexual and a-moral. In this restricted sense, narcissistic leaders are post-modernist and moral relativists. They project to the masses an androgynous figure and enhance it by engendering the adoration of nudity and all things "natural" - or by strongly repressing these feelings. But what they refer to as "nature" is not natural at all. The narcissistic leader invariably proffers an aesthetic of decadence and evil carefully orchestrated and artificial - though it is not perceived this way by him or by his followers. Narcissistic leadership is about reproduced copies, not about originals. It is about the manipulation of symbols - not about veritable atavism or true conservatism. In short: narcissistic leadership is about theatre, not about life. To enjoy the spectacle (and be subsumed by it), the leader demands the suspension of judgment, depersonalization, and de-realization. Catharsis is tantamount, in this narcissistic dramaturgy, to self-annulment. Narcissism is nihilistic not only operationally, or ideologically. Its very language and narratives are nihilistic. Narcissism is conspicuous nihilism - and the cult's leader serves as a role model, annihilating the Man, only to re-appear as a pre-ordained and irresistible force of nature. Narcissistic leadership often poses as a rebellion against the "old ways" - against the hegemonic culture, the upper classes, the established religions, the superpowers, the corrupt order. Narcissistic movements are puerile, a reaction to narcissistic injuries inflicted upon a narcissistic (and rather psychopathic) toddler nation-state, or group, or upon the leader. Minorities or "others" - often arbitrarily selected - constitute a perfect, easily identifiable, embodiment of all that is "wrong". They are accused of being old, they are eerily disembodied, they are cosmopolitan, they are part of the establishment, they are "decadent", they are hated on religious and socio-economic grounds, or because of their race, sexual orientation, origin ... They are different, they are narcissistic (feel and act as morally superior), they are everywhere, they are defenceless, they are credulous, they are adaptable (and thus can be co-opted to collaborate in their own destruction). They are the perfect hate figure. Narcissists thrive on hatred and pathological envy. This is precisely the source of the fascination with Hitler, diagnosed by Erich Fromm - together with Stalin - as a malignant narcissist. He was an inverted human. His unconscious was his conscious. He acted out our most repressed drives, fantasies, and wishes. He provides us with a glimpse of the horrors that lie beneath the veneer, the barbarians at our personal gates, and what it was like before we invented civilization. Hitler forced us all through a time warp and many did not emerge. He was not the devil. He was one of us. He was what Arendt aptly called the banality of evil. Just an ordinary, mentally disturbed, failure, a member of a mentally disturbed and failing nation, who lived through disturbed and failing times. He was the perfect mirror, a channel, a voice, and the very depth of our souls.