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Q: Can you feed your horse raw or cooked eggs?
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Why raw eggs are better than cooked eggs?

I wouldent say they are better than cooked, but I heard raw eggs are good 4 ur hair

Can horses eat raw eggs?

Yes horses can eat raw eggs, they are an excellent muscle builder and conditioner. Eggs do contain an anti-vitamin though and should not be feed constantly, but are a valuable addition to the diet of a horse in good condition. You can feed 6 a day for 3 or 4 days.

Do eggs contain salmonellae?

If they are cooked no, but if you touch them raw, yes.

Do raw eggs help with dogs vommiting?

No. Raw eggs can cause problems with iron absorption in the diet. Do not feed raw eggs to your dog.

Why raw eggs taste better than normal eggs?

What?? Eggs are eggs, they're only raw if they're not cooked and still in the shell, and they're still considered normal if they are not cooked and in the shell. So no idea what you're trying to get at here.

Is raw eggs good for you?

Raw egg white is not good for you. You run the risk of salmonella from eating raw eggs. This can make you very sick. You should only eat cooked eggs.

Can you feed calamari to your 2yr old?

Of course you can, no problem, cooked or raw.

Do raw eggs build muscles?

You can get protein from eating cooked eggs to build muscle. Raw eggs will give you protein, but they won't taste good going down.

Is ground beef measured cooked or raw?

It is weighed raw. In other cases, restaurants don't feed us raw meat. Humans are different from wild animals.

Can you feed horses squash?

Yes they can it's known to help with horse ulcers

Are raw eggs used in meringues?

Meringues are made with egg whites and sugar mixed together. They are then cooked in an oven, so the answer is no as they are cooked.

Are eggs high or low risk foods?

Not really. If it's in the fridge keep it away from cooked meats if raw, and if cooked keep it away from raw meat. This will stop food poisnoning.