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No. At 5 weeks pregnant the fetus is smaller than the width of your palm. You will be able to see the baby moving.

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12y ago

No, you can never feel it but at the ultrasound you can see and hear it.

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16y ago

im not sure exactly but i think the organs and fingers and toes are the last things to start growing i think that it is from just over half way through the pregnacy. Yes!

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Q: If you went to get and aultrasound done at 5 weeks pregnante can you hear the heart beat?
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Can you feel a heart beat at 8 weeks?

You will not be able to feel a heart beat, but a heart beat can be detected. Usually at around 5 weeks a heart beat can be heard.

When does a baby inside the whom have a heart beat?

6 weeks into the pregnancy ( 4 weeks after conception)

If i am 5 weeks can i hear my baby's heart beat?


Is it normal not to hear a baby's heart beat at nine weeks?

Yes, by weeks six to seven there is a large bulge where the heart is and a bump for the head because the brain is developing. The heart begins to beat and can be seen beating on an ultrasound scan.

Cant find heart rate at 8 weeks is the baby dead?

By 8 weeks there should be a heart beat, but just make sue you are 8 weeks along.

How soon can an ultrasound hear a baby heart beat?

About 3 months, usually respiratory system of the baby develops at 12 weeks of age. ** The fetus's heart starts beating at five weeks gestation. Through an ultrasound you can see the ultrasound at about 6-7 weeks. With a fetal Doppler you can hear the heart beat at about 9 weeks.

At what stage in pregnancy can you detect a heartbeat with a scan?

I was told that they can not detect a heart beat before 6 weeks old with a scan. therefore you must be at least 6 weeks pregnant before the scan will pick up the heart beat.

Ultrasound at five weeks show feeble heart beat?

It would be crazy to see any heartbeat at five weeks.

Can you hear the baby heart beat at 8 weeks with an ear?

No you need the hospital machines for that.

If you don't detect a heartbeat at 8 12 weeks is there a problem?

8 weeks or 12 weeks? If at 8 weeks it's possible that your really aren't 8 weeks yet and the heart beat isn't showing up... at 12 weeks.. if there is no heart beat there is a HUGE problem. I wouldn't worry if they're trying with the Doppler on the outside but if it's on the ultrasound... no heartbeat means no baby, at 12 weeks.

What is heart rate of foetus 7 weeks and 3 days?

A normal heartbeat of a fetus at 6-7 weeks would be 90-110 beats per minute.

Is it normal to be 11 weeks pregnant and bleeding and there is no heart beat?