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i got 2 children under the age of 16 and me and my girlfriend has unearned income can we still file? im on unemployment and she draws ssi

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Q: Can you file for earned income if you draw disability and have children?
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Can you draw disability and Medicaid?

Yes; however, if your disability income exceeds the threshold in your State, you will have a "spend-down."

Can and how much can you draw from IRA and not affect Social Security disability?

Yes, you can draw from your IRA without affecting your Social Security disability benefits. The Social Security Administration only considers earned income and certain government payments (such as Worker's Compensation) when calculating benefit reduction or discontinuation.There is no limit to the amount of money you can receive from 401k, annuities, most pension plans, gifts, investments and other sources of passive income. These will not affect your eligibility or benefit amount.

Can you draw disability and still work?

can you draw disability and still work Type your answer here...

Can you draw as much money at 65 on Social Security retirement as on disability?

Social Security disability benefits are typically lower than retirement benefits because they are calculated on the basis of fewer years of income. When a disabled worker reaches full retirement age, his or her benefits automatically convert from disability to retirement income at the same rate. There is no windfall payment for disability.

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Can a child draw from mothers disability if the father has custody?

Social security disability or a different type of disability insurance? For SSDI, children of divorced parents are still eligible for benefits regardless of whether the child lives with the parent receiving Social Security benefits or the parents remarry.

Does a felony disqualify you to draw your military disability check?

It should.

Can your spouse with bipolar disorder draw disability?

yes, if qualified

Is it illegal to work and draw short term disability pay?


Can you draw both unemployment and disability in Washington state?

You can draw both unemployment and disability in Washington State. There is a limit to the amount of unemployment you can draw without it affecting your disability payments. Each situation is unique.

Can aspouse draw disability of her husband?

You would have to check with the Social Security Administration for the answer.

Can you draw SS disability off of an ex husband?

i live in mississippi and having neck and back problems and i draw from my husband's ss