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The teacher can certainly guide you on how to improve your grades.

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Q: Can you get better grades by after school talk to talk with your teacher?
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In middle school the teachers usually talk to parents about your grades, behavior, and your overall person. It's a way that the parents can communicate to the teacher about your school life.

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Work that much harder. Talk to your professor or teacher and ask for help. Talk to your school counselor and ask for help. There are ways to better your grades in any class ... never say never. Ask for help.

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Do all your teacher tells you, don't talk when you aren't supposed to, study hard, get good grades, follow all the school rules! If you tried, you could do it!

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highly unlikely but first talk to your teacher.

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Go to school and consult with a Spanish teacher.

How do you get the gutz to talk back to your teacher?

You should not try and get the guts to talk back to your teacher. Instead try talking to your teacher in a calm and respectful way and it will go better.

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talk to your school council , guidance teacher or principal .

How can bullying be corrected?

if it is in school consult the teacher and talk to her about it if that doesnt work talk to a guidance councelar

How does an elementary teacher deal with unmotivated students?

Well..... I'd have a big long talk with them and find out why they are not motivated, which is probably that they hate school and they don't really care about their grades. If the situation gets bigger, I would talk to the parents of the child and speak about the child's behaviour at home.

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If you have no council at your school, have a talk with your parents about your concern. A teacher should never hate a student for any reason.

How do you get a teaching post at your school?

Talk to your head teacher or careers master.

Can teachers talk about their students grades and behavior out in the public?

No, that is none of their buisness. That is something personal to you and that student. The only people that should be notfied is the head of the school ( principal ) or that child's parent. That is a very bad thing to do as a teacher. That is talking bad about your students when YOU'RE the educator and you are supposed to be helping them to learn better than that.