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can you get disability for sciatic nerve pains

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Q: Is sciatica considered a disability
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What is sciatica?

Sciatica is a painful condition caused by inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Sciatica is considered a nerve disorder, in which unbearable pain runs down the outside of either leg from the hip to the ankle.

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Yes, it is considered a disability.

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No, speech itself is not considered a disability. However, certain speech impairments or conditions, such as stuttering or apraxia, may be considered a disability if they significantly impact a person's ability to communicate effectively.

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How is sciatica a disability?

Sciatica pain may feel like a bad leg cramp that lasts for weeks or months before it goes away. You may have pain, especially when you sit, sneeze or cough. Discomfort ranges from mild to incapacitating, and may be accompanied by tingling, numbness or muscle weakness. Like the term slipped disc, sciatica pain is a term often misused to describe any pain in the leg that may originate in the lower back. True sciatica only involves pain caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve or its branches. Pain in the front of the thigh or groin, although possibly referred from the low back, is not sciatica. Sciatica is a set of symptoms not a diagnosis. This point is important, because treatment for sciatica pain will often vary, depending on what is irritating the nerve, causing the pain. You can read more on this topic in the related link below.

Does Nick Jonas have a disabiltey?

No, he does not. He has diabetes, but this is not considered as a disability.

Is a 90 degree angle in scoliosis bad and is it considered a disability?

Yes it is quite severe. Anything over 70 degrees is considered severe scoliosis. And yes it is considered a disability, especially if it keeps you from working.

Is there a link between thyroid problems and sciatica?

There is no link between thyroid problems and sciatica. There is link between parathyroid problem and sciatica.

Ia Amblyopia considered a disability with the Social Security Administration?

yes consider as disability with social security administration

Are va disability payments taxable?

Maybe. Disability payments can considered tobe partially or fully taxable income.