

Can you grow grass with water?

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13y ago

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We'll according to my research you can grow grass with water, it is the same thing with plants, plants use water to grow like grass. A you think, you probably know that you think that this is wrong, but truly it isn't. water is a great energy source that gives creatures, and living things energy.

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13y ago
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Water, sunlight,...ext.

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Water fertiliser

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Depends on how many blades of grass there are, what type of grass it is, etc, doesn't it?

How grass grow?

With soil, water, nutients, sun, and love!

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Yea, water!

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They grow in dark damp places such as logs or shady patches of grass, so they take water from the log or grass

Does the grass needs water for it to grow?

Yes ,but you don't have to water it leave it up to the rain.

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no it doesnt

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because it can abosorb water