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Yes. As long as your home has room for foster children and they would be comfortable, then there isn't a problem with it. Just be sure you contact the social worker to let them know. ADOPTIONS are based on your ability to foster and your means; (room enough in your house, financial ability ect...) not so much on whether you already have foster children or any other children for that matter. As long as you meet the standards for adopting a child from China, I don't think you should have any problems. GOOD LUCK! ADR

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Q: Can you have foster children and adopt from China?
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What is the deference between a foster home and a adoptive home?

A foster home is a home where you put unwanted children and an adoptive home is where you adopt children.

What happens if foster parents want to adopt the foster child?

If the child's parents are no longer in the legal picture, then there are steps to follow in order to adopt the child. Many foster children are in foster care while their parents get education, jobs and/or get off of drugs, so the child or children are not available for adoption.

What did Korea adopt from China?

Korea adopted Chinese children, highways and pets from China.

You can't have any children and want to be a mother how do calm the anxiety and pain?

You could foster or adopt

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yes you should be able to adopt the children if you have a stable environment for them

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Can you adopt Chinese kids?

you can't adopt children from any country but china is very hard to adopt a child from try other Asian countrys like Thailand Indonesia, malya

Are same-sex married couples permitted to adopt children in Arkansas?

Yes. Effective April 23, 2015, same-sex married couples may jointly adopt or foster children, the previous ban being overturned as of that date.

Why is there a need for foster care?

Because many children have parents who can not or will not take care of them properly or at all. There are not enough adoptive parents to adopt all children without parents.

What country is the quickest to adopt a child from?

That would be your own if you adopt a foster child.

Why does my mom get money each month from the government for me being adopted Why did she get money from them when I was her foster kid?

When you were still a foster child the biological parents are still obligated to pay for your expenses. Many people have many foster children because they want to and because there is a need but that does not mean they would otherwise afford to have them all so they have to get their expenses paid. If you are adopted now there are financial assistance the parents can get when they adopt a foster child. This is because otherwise they would still look for a family for you if your mom could not afford to adopt you since when you adopt a child you are usually not getting a anything. This assistance is there to help children who are in good families to stay there - permanently.

Where does the name foster come from?

china. china.