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If the child's parents are no longer in the legal picture, then there are steps to follow in order to adopt the child. Many foster children are in foster care while their parents get education, jobs and/or get off of drugs, so the child or children are not available for adoption.

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Q: What happens if foster parents want to adopt the foster child?
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What happens to a foster child if the foster child's foster parents die?

they get taken to another foster home.

What happens to a foster child when the foster child's foster parents die?

they get taken to another foster home.

What country is the quickest to adopt a child from?

That would be your own if you adopt a foster child.

Can you adopt a child after their adopted parent dies?

Once adopted the child becomes a part of that family just as if they were born into it. If the adoptive parents die the socialworkers will ask the relatives and if they can not the child will go to foster care and up fpor adoption again. But the birth parents can never adopt the child back.

Can foster parents sue social services to adopt a child?

On what grounds. Not in my case as it was unjust. You need to give a reason why you want to sue.

Can a foster child get an estate after their foster parents die?

A foster child have no birth right after their foster parents so it's only if they are mentioned in the will.

Is the money for the foster parents or the child in foster care?

The money is to cover the expenses for the child but it's the foster parents that manage the money.

Why does my mom get money each month from the government for me being adopted Why did she get money from them when I was her foster kid?

When you were still a foster child the biological parents are still obligated to pay for your expenses. Many people have many foster children because they want to and because there is a need but that does not mean they would otherwise afford to have them all so they have to get their expenses paid. If you are adopted now there are financial assistance the parents can get when they adopt a foster child. This is because otherwise they would still look for a family for you if your mom could not afford to adopt you since when you adopt a child you are usually not getting a anything. This assistance is there to help children who are in good families to stay there - permanently.

What happens to child support money when you go to foster care?

Depends on the situation and reason the child goes into foster care but usually the biological parents have to pay the state and the state pay the foster family.

What would call a child who has no parents?

A foster child.

Are foster kids allowed to meet there foster parents before they are adopted?

Foster care and adoption is not the same thing. Yes, you get to meet your adoptive parents before they adopt you. That is not always the case with foster care since if a child is abused for instance the foster families are ready to receive you in the middle of the night sometimes, when it's needed. Foster care is not meant to be permanent like adoption.

What do you call a child with no parents?

A child with no parents is called an orphan. If they are taken in by foster parents, they are orphaned, or they could be put into an orphanage.So to answer your question, a child with no parents is called an orphan.