



Adoption is a legal process that creates a parent-child relationship between individuals not related by blood. Adoption entitled the adopted child to all privileges like natural child and the original parent transfers all their rights and responsibilities to the adoptive parent.

1,655 Questions

How does heat travels if there is air?

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Asked by Wiki User

Heat can travel through air by conduction, convection, and thermal radiation. In conduction, heat is transferred through direct contact between molecules. In convection, heat is carried by the movement of air currents. Thermal radiation is the transfer of heat in the form of electromagnetic waves.

What is an appropriate gift for a rich aunt to give her 14 year old niece?

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A thoughtful gift for a 14-year-old niece from a rich aunt could be a piece of jewelry like a necklace or bracelet, a designer accessory, or a gift card to her favorite store. It's also nice to consider the niece's interests and hobbies when choosing a gift.

Where did shaksphere live?

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Asked by Wiki User

William Shakespeare lived in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. He was born there in 1564 and spent most of his life in the town. Shakespeare also spent much of his career in London, where he wrote and performed his plays.

Where did grazia deledda live?

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Grazia Deledda lived in Italy, primarily in the region of Sardinia. She was born in Nuoro, Sardinia in 1871 and spent most of her life on the island, drawing inspiration from its landscapes, culture, and people for her works as a writer.

Where did pazuzu live?

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In ancient Mesopotamian mythology, Pazuzu was believed to live in the underworld, specifically in the realm of demons and evil spirits. He was considered a malevolent deity who brought disease, famine, and misfortune to those he encountered.

How can an American citizen who is currently a resident of Kenya adopt a child from Ethiopia?

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The American citizen residing in Kenya should contact the U.S. embassy in Kenya for guidance on international adoption processes. They will need to comply with adoption laws in both Kenya and Ethiopia, which often involve legal procedures, background checks, and home studies. Additionally, working with an adoption agency experienced in international adoptions can provide valuable support throughout the process.

What is an orphan star?

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An orphan star is a rogue star that drifts through space without being gravitationally bound to any specific galaxy or star cluster. These stars are typically formed through interactions such as mergers or close encounters within a star cluster, causing them to be ejected.

How do you establish paternity?

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Paternity can be established through a DNA test, typically done by collecting samples from the child, alleged father, and, if available, the mother. This test compares the genetic markers to determine biological relationships. Legal paternity can also be established voluntarily through a signed acknowledgment of paternity or through a court order.

Is it okay for gay people to adopt?

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Yes, it is okay for gay people to adopt. Sexual orientation does not determine someone's ability to be a loving and supportive parent. It is more important that children have caring and responsible caregivers, regardless of sexual orientation.

Should singles be allowed to adopt?

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Yes, singles should be allowed to adopt. As long as they are capable of providing a loving and stable home for a child, their marital status should not be a barrier to adoption. Many single individuals make wonderful parents and can provide a nurturing environment for a child in need of a home.

If a person's mother is philipino and the father is black what nationality is the child?

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The nationality of the child would depend on the country in which they are born. They could have dual nationality or citizenship if both the Philippines and the father's country allow it. If they are born in a different country, they might acquire that country's nationality through birthright citizenship laws.

How can a child inherit a phenotype which neither of his parents have?

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A child can inherit a phenotype that neither of their parents have through a new mutation in the child's DNA that results in a unique trait not present in the parents. This can be a random occurrence during gamete formation or early development that leads to a novel phenotype in the child. Additionally, there could be hidden recessive genes from earlier generations that are expressed in the child.

Is DNA accurate on siblings with the same mother but different fathers?

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Yes, DNA testing can accurately determine whether siblings share the same biological mother, even if they have different fathers. DNA received from the mother can be compared between the siblings to confirm this relationship.

Is a physical required for relative placement adoption through social services in North Carolina?

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Yes, a physical examination is generally required for relative placement adoption through social services in North Carolina. This is to ensure that the relative caregiver is physically capable of providing a safe and healthy environment for the child. The specific requirements may vary depending on the county and the specific circumstances of the case.

Do you have to accept what was left to you in a will or can you give it to someone else in the will?

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Asked by Baddad56

In most cases, you can choose whether to accept what was left to you in a will or not. If you decide not to accept it, you can disclaim the gift, allowing it to pass to someone else as specified in the will or according to inheritance laws. It's important to follow legal procedures for disclaiming an inheritance.

Can an adopted child be emancipated at 16 years old and be re adopted?

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It is very unlikely that a court would emancipate a 16 year old and then allow them to be adopted. If the child is in trouble or danger, the court or child services can ensure they are taken to a safe place if the parents were not a viable option.

Why would you want to now this? ether way, I doubt a child would want to be readopted.

Emancipation does not "undo" an adoption, the parental civil relationship still exists. The Emancipation process only changes the level of parental authority level, just as turning 18 does in most states.

The parental authority be reinstated if the emancipated person was involved in an accident and was no longer capable of making rational adult level decisions a court may begin again the prior authority levels and grant guardianship to the parents either temporarily or permanently.

Are there more people looking to adopt than there are children up for adoption?

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Asked by Blacksnowhitequeen

The demand for adopting infants in some regions often exceeds the number of available infants for adoption, leading to waiting lists. However, older children and those with special needs may have a harder time finding adoptive families, resulting in a need for more potential parents. Overall, the number of people looking to adopt varies depending on factors such as the age and health of the child.

Waiting children adopt cost?

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The cost of adopting a child varies widely based on factors like the type of adoption (domestic, international, foster care), agency fees, legal fees, travel expenses, and any additional services needed. On average, domestic adoptions can range from $20,000 to $50,000, while international adoptions can cost upwards of $30,000 to $50,000 or more. Foster care adoptions generally have lower costs, often subsidized by the state. It's important to research and budget carefully when considering adoption.

How many teenagers become pregnant and how many of them give their baby up for adoption?

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In the United States, there were about 194,000 pregnancies among 15-19-year-olds in 2020. Approximately 19,000 teens within this age group chose adoption for their babies that same year.

How many kids get adopted each year around the world as a result of child abuse?

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It is difficult to provide an exact number as adoption data related to child abuse cases can vary by country. However, it is estimated that tens of thousands of children worldwide are adopted each year due to issues related to child abuse and neglect. Adoption is one of the ways to provide a new and safe environment for these children.

In what countries is surrogacy legal?

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Surrogacy is a type of arrangement which implies a woman carrying and delivering a child for another person or couple, that cannot have children due to infertility or other medical problems. Surrogacy can help gay couples, heterosexual couples and even single men or women who want to become parents. Countries where both commercial and altruistic surrogacy is allowed by law: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, Cyprus, India, South Africa, United States (Arkansas, California, Florida, Illinois, Texas, Massachusetts, Vermont), Mexico, India, Countries where only altruistic surrogacy is allowed by law: Australia, Canada (except Quebec), United Kingdom, Netherlands, Denmark, Hungary, Israel, United States (New York, New Jersey, New Mexico, Nebraska, Virginia, Oregon, Washington), Ireland, Belgium.

If you are getting adopted by your foster parents and you want to marry her real son can you?

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It is not legally prohibited for an adopted individual to marry their former foster sibling. However, it can raise ethical and emotional considerations due to the familial nature of the relationship. It is important to carefully consider these complexities before moving forward with such a relationship.

From the book The giver- Why would a parent call their child by their original birth number?

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In "The Giver," parents calling their child by their original birth number is a way to emphasize the sameness and lack of individuality within the community. It reinforces the idea of conformity and is a method of maintaining control over the citizens by erasing personal identity.