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Yes there is a way to hurt them..but only their pride, nothing deeper, cos they have nothing deeper.

My ex N was most "hurt" when I said my new man was more of a father to my children than he could ever be (it was in one of his yearly phone calls to see "how I was doing") Never asked about the kids, never paid a penny in child-support..just phoned in between gfs to see "how I was doing" about once a year. Sometimes twice if he had a new gf and wanted me to know.

Act as if the relationship and their attentions were as meaningless to you as your genuine love was to them. But then again, they would probably find a way to twist that in their twisted minds that you are so overcome with grief from "losing" them that you havent come to terms with the ENORMITY of losing them yet!

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12y ago

You can hurt him, by making him angry. All of his conquests are kept separate for a reason. Once you all get together and share what you know, he will have no defence and this will turn him against all of you for awhile. But with his usual charm and predictable nature he will keep you all in his life in som,e way and eventually convince someone that he has changed.


What is SHE is STILL with him but you don't want him to know you are the one that clued her in? He acted so smug when he left me AGAIN for THIRD time to go back to her - I feel like I would like to be able to do something to turn HER against him or vice versa to break them up.

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Q: Is there any way to hurt a narcissist?
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Yes, I believe you should out the narcissist. You have to think of your own mental health. I am presently trying to break away from one and his insistance of his love and devotion makes it hard. I am digging my heals in deeper and I am insisting that he seek help before any reconciliation is possible. He of course, believes that he does not need any professional help. I will continue to hold firm with that decision until he will probably give up and move on. you can to help the victim

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Yes, sometimes a narcissist will contact their ex after a break up because the narcissist cannot imagine their ex with anyone else as the narcissist has a complex of being the greatest at everything including relationships and is ego maniacal.

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No contact is the best way to part ways with a narcissist. You must remain consistent and end contact completely and forever.

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Best guess, it can. There is no other way for a true narcissist to be aware of issues within him or herself.

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It's certainly possible. A narcissist may date another narcissist that is more selfish than they are to feel better about themselves. In turn say "i'm not as selfish as he/she is so that makes me above him/her). It's incredible and shocking the way people with this disorder think. It takes a lot of research to understand a narcissist.

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depending on if your the narcissist or just someone around the narcissist..... if you are the narcissist dont worry it wont effect you. You will just continue on with your selfish ways and use people for what they can do for you. If your someone around the narcissist..... RUN- get out while you can. The only way to really survive is to not have them in your life