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No, the collection agency is now the rightful owner of the debt in question and the original creditor has removed the account from their books.

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Q: Can you pay an original creditor after the debt is sold to a collector?
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Who should the debtor pay when an account is sold by the original creditor to another lender or collector?

Yes, the debt still stands. It's how debt collectors stay in busniess. When the debt or account is sold, the debt isn't erased, merely transferred. In essence, the original lender has sold the whole contract. * The debtor makes any payment agreement with the collector not the original creditor.

You are being sued in small claims court by a third party debt collector can you contact the original creditor and pay them?

No, the original creditor has sold the debt and is no longer involved in the collection process.

What is does it mean for an original creditor to recall their collection?

Recall of a debt by a creditor is when the original creditor asks for the debt to be returned to them after they have sold it, often to a collection agency. This may occur if the debt has not been collected for a certain amount of time, and the debt will be sold to another agency to collect, or if the debtor offers the original creditor a settlement.

If the collection account keeps being sold to another collector at what point does the statutes of limitation start?

An SOL for debt begins from the time the original creditor charges off the debt. It does not begin over when a debt is sold to a third party collector. It can restart if the debtor pays or in some cases agrees to pay any amount on the debt owed.

In Arkansas can a collection agency sue you if the original creditor accepts payment on the debt?

If the debt was sold to a collection agency and the original creditor accepted payment AFTER the debt was sold, the money does not belong to them. If, however, you paid the debt and it was mistakingly sol after that payment, the collection agency can't try to collect. If you have proof of payment, forward it to the collection agency and deman in writing that they cease trying to collect this debt.

Is the original creditor required to notify you of debt before using a third party collection agency?

Yes, the original creditor should have notified you that you had an outstanding balance. The creditor also notifies you that they will be submitting your debt to a "third party" collection agency. This is usually the final notice before your debt is sold. If you never received a notice, it is not required that the original creditor send you notice, all it is is common curiosity that they do.

If your debt with a judgment against you has been sold can the judgment still be on your credit report from the original creditor effecting your credit report twice?

No, it's the same account and the new creditor is simply taking over the same rights as the original creditor.

We had a vehicle repossessed then the company sold the debt to a debt collector from another state will they be able to collect?

They operate the same as if the debt collector was in your state. I would ask for a Debt Validation letter from the new debt collector.Many times when debt is sold the supporting documents are not sold with it. If they cannot produce the original documents you may be in a situation where they cannot sue you and have to remove the deragatory from your credit report.P.S. I am not a lawyer.

If a bankruptcy was discharged on an account that was sold to another lender and the original creditor is marking it as a charge off should it be marked as bankruptcy by the original creditor?

Yes, this debt should have been marked as a bankruptcy by the original creditor. It cannot be changed from a bankruptcy to a discharge unless the bankruptcy did not go through.

Can a secondary collection agency collect on a charge-off when the debt is over 3 years old and the original creditor has declared bankruptcy?

More than likely. Three years is not long enough for an SOL to expire. What probably happened was, the account was bought from the creditor, which is common practice. The BK of the original creditor, has no relevancy if the debt was sold.

Can a company that has placed you into collections call and remove the amount from collections?

Depends. If the debt (usually credit card) was sold then no. The original creditor will then have nothing to do with having the debt returned. Non-purchased debts can be returned to the creditor depending on the contract they have with the collection agency.

Once a debt is given to a collection agency can you get the creditor to take it out of the creditor's hands?

Once a debt is handed over to a collection agency, it's typically out of the original creditor's hands. However, it may be possible to negotiate with the creditor to recall the debt from the collection agency, but this process can be challenging and may require convincing the creditor of your ability to repay the debt directly. It's advisable to communicate directly with both the creditor and the collection agency to explore your options and find a resolution.