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Missouri has that law at RSMO 565.156 §5, but in over 20 years, not prosecutor has enforced it. See related link on what to do.

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Q: Can you press kidnapping charges against your ex for withholding court ordered visitation if she has custody?
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Can you press charges on maternal grandparent for kidnapping your kid?

Kidnapping charges can be brought against anyone who does not have legal or physical custody of that person. Grandparent, parent, second cousin twice-removed, does not matter.

If you have criminal charges against you baby father's wife do you have to give them visitation rights?

If you're in the US... First, there is no 'them' obtaining visitation. It's 'him' obtaining the visitation. The wife doesn't have a right to visitation, but the father does. Second, *you* don't have to give him anything, but the court can order it. Third, the fact that she is facing criminal charges (and you didn't say what kind of charges) does not automatically exclude him from visitation, although the court may place restrictions on his visitation--ie that it be supervised or that the wife not be allowed around the child during his visitation.

How do we press kidnapping charges against someone out of the country?

You may be able to get charges pressed against them as you normally would. A warrant can then be issued and the person either extradited or charged and tried in absentia.

On which of these charges was Noriega not convicted?

kidnapping They were not convicted of kidnapping because it was a racial subject that they had to face

What charges can you receive for protesting?

Murder and kidnapping

Can your 16 year old move in with you instead of her dad without getting in trouble with the police in Texas?

Yes you can get into trouble if you are her boyfriend. Her dad could have you charged with kidnapping, even though she went voluntarily. However, the wording suggests you are her mother. If there is no court order against her seeing you, or granting her dad specific visitation and custody, then no criminal charges can be raised.

Can you drop kidnapping charges against your boyfriend after you filed a police report against him in Oklahoma?

First and foremost, make better relationship choices. I know it doesn't directly answer the question, but, seriously... something happened which caused you to file kidnapping charges. Guess what? It was not a one-off thing. As for your question, you're kinda stuck between a rock and hard place. If you drop the charges and say you weren't kidnapped, then you're in a bind for filing a false police report. And, even if you do drop the charges, it doesn't mean the police won't pursue the charges themselves.

What if a Missouri parent refuses to return a 15 year old to Indiana at the end of summer visitation what can a next of friend for the 15 year old do legally to prevent further kidnapping charges?

There is no kidnapping. At the worse there may be contempt of court order. But as a friend of the 15 Y/O there is nothing you can do as you have no legal standing in a custody dispute. I recommend you talk to the custodial parent and have that parent begin proceedings. There are non profit organizations that specialize in visitation over stay violations.

What happens when the person drops charges kidnapping then what happens?

Kidnapping is a crime in most countries. In which case "a person" can not drop charges, the charges are made by the state/police (on the basis of a complaint or evidence) and it is up to them whether or not to prosecute the person charged.

Is there statute of limitation on kidnapping Louisiana?

That will depend on the specific charges. Chances are that it will be ruled to have no limitation.

Difference between income tax and withholding tax?

The income tax is what is paid by "withholding of tax" from someones payment/pay. Other taxes or charges, like insurance, worker comp, etc may be [apd by withholding the amount from payment/payroll. There is really no such thing as a tax on withholding.

Can you drop charges of kidnapping between you and your boyfriend if you didn't want to press them to begin with especially if there was no fighting him to put you down to begin with?

depends on what age you are. If you are over 18 then you can drop the case whenever you want. but if you are under 18 , even if you drop the case, your parents still can press charges against him.