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Depends on how you plan on shipping it. If you are just putting it in a box and sending it no. If you are putting it in a container with dried ice, as long as that dried ice is not completely melted, then yes.

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Q: Can you ship a cooked hamburger and still be ok to eat?
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Related questions

Is it safe to eat hamburger not fully cooked?

No, hamburger that is not cooked to 160°F could harbor pathogenic bacteria.

Do newts eat raw or cooked hamburger?


How does hamburger feel?

Hamburger should feel soft, spongy, easily squashed. Hamburger should feel cold when refrigerated. Hamburger should feel hot when cooked, with a firm texture. If the hamburger does not have these properties, don't eat it.

How long does cooked hamburger stay safe to eat in refrigerator.?

Depending how the raw hamburger has been packaged and handled, it might not be safe to use. Only you, the consumer, can determine whether you should use it. If the hamburger has been handled and stored properly and looks, smells and feels acceptable, then it is probably OK to cook. Unless it has been stored in a super chill drawer, it is probably starting to turn. It may even have a vinegary fragrance or tang to it due to bacterial growth. You'll have to decide whether it is worthwhile using.

Can you still eat a curry you cooked 3 days ago?

If it was cooked, handled and refrigerated properly, then reheated thoroughly, it is likely safe to eat.

Do Aborigines eat cooked echidna?

It is unlikely that the Australian Aborigines eat cooked echidna nowadays, but they certainly used to, when they still lived a traditional lifestyle.

What is the food chain for a hamburger?

cattle eat grass, we eat beef, our waste goes to sanitory system, they sell the sludge off of that to farmers, they spread it, cows eat it, and then we eat them..makes me hungry for a burg or a steak just talking about it...

Can ferrets injure or eat a cow?

You've got to be kidding? How could a little ferret ever injure or eat a cow? Maybe cooked cow would be eaten by a ferret, sometimes I share my hamburger with him!

Can you eat hamburger if you celiac disease?

The actual hamburger is as long it is not cooked on a surface where bread touched. If you want a bun, there are plenty of good GF rolls (udis, against the grain). Find them at meijer or fruitful yield or other health food stores.

Is it okay to give your dog hamburger pa ttys?

It's not the best choice, but if they are cooked and haven't been seasoned, they won't hurt most dogs. If you have an older dog or a very small dog, they shouldn't eat hamburger due to the fat content.

Does Obama eat his hamburger the wrong way and who puts mustard on a burger?

The only wrong way to eat a hamburger is to not eat it.

Is cooked roast left out for 7 hrs still safe to eat?
