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Yes! But seriosly, the rocks wont make any difference!

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Q: Can you successfully breed goldfish with rocks in your tank?
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Can you have and mate and breed 2 goldfish in a 2.65 gallon tank?

Not happily or healthily. Those goldfish need at least 30 gallons of space to live happily and have a long life. If you do successfully breed your fish, remember to remove the babies ASAP. Goldfish like to eat their babies.

Where in the tank do goldfish lay eggs?

Usually at the bottom of the tank in the rocks.

Can you breed your goldfish in a ten gallon?

No. A 10 gallon tank is barely big enough to keep a single goldfish in.

Can you put more than one goldfish breed in a tank together?


Can you put ocean rocks in your goldfish tank?

yes. just dont put the rocks ON the gold fish...

Can you breed goldfish in a one gallon tank?

No. A one gallon tank is not appropriate for a singular goldfish much less multiple. A ten gallon tank is the bare minimum for a singular goldfish and breeding would require a tank of twenty gallons or more. A one gallon tank cannot handle the chasing that proceeds goldfish mating nor maintain a water quality that is suitable for raising goldfish fry.

Can you put a orange goldfish in a tank with a grey goldfish?

godfish can be any color-not just gold. yes u can put them together if they r the same breed (goldfish)

Is it ok for the bettas if you breed them in a 1 gallon tank?

If you attempt to breed Bettas splendens in a 1 gallon tank you are doomed to fail. Sorry. The minimum sized tank to breed Bettas in successfully is around 10 gallons.

What kind of goldfish should you get for your fantail goldfish?

Fantail goldfish are a hardy breed, strong swimmers and they compete well for food with the ryukin, shubunkin, comet or common goldfish; making these goldfish breeds good tank mates for your fantail goldfish.

Is there a special tank for baby goldfish?

No actually. When I got my baby goldfish, he was fine in a large glass tank with a filter, a bunch of colorful rocks, and a bunch of decorations. Just don't put he/she in a tank with goldfish that are older, bigger, or goldfish that ur new baby goldfish just doesn't know because, believe it or not, goldfish can be aggressive. They can also be very territorial. I hoped I helped alot. Ur Welcome. :)

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What to do when the male chase the female goldfish all the time can you separate them?

Usually it's because the male wants the breed with the female so he chases the female around the tank! So unless you want little fry (baby goldfish) in your tank you should separate them!