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Yes...u can kill lice by shower cap just leave it on ur head for about an 15-20 min. with Green Tea Oil.Then wash it out.

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Keep all of your hair in hot water for at least 1 hour

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Q: Can you suffocate lice with shower cap?
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Can you wear a shower cap with Ovide Lice treament?

No what I have read says do not cover it.

What do you do if you only have two lice bugs in your head?

The same thing you would do if you had more. you have to go through your hair and take them all out. my friend had to to a shown with a shower cap on. the shower cape had mayonnaise in it!

How do I use mayonnaise to treat and get rid of lice?

This is thus far he easiest hing you can do. Apply Mayonnaise all over the head, make sure the whole hair is covered with Mayonnaise and put on a shower cap. Put the cap on for as long as 8 hours because lice can hold their breath, wash and rinse.

What is the purpose of wearing a shower cap?

Wearing a shower cap is something that is just a personal decision. The purpose of a shower cap is to keep ones hair dry when in the shower. Often people do not wash hair every day and by wearing a shower cap it protects the hair from getting wet in the shower and less difficult to style.

Name something you wear in the shower?

Shower Cap Jewelry Shower Shoes

Can you take a shower after using RID lice shampoo?


How can you shower without getting your hair wet?

Wear a shower cap.

Can lice be drowned?

Sadly, no. They hold their breath in water, so if your just taking a shower to get them out, that's not going to work. You have to get lice shampoo.

Where was the shower cap invented?


Why do people hair itch?

because they might not have taken a shower or have head lice

Why were the Jews heads shaved?

to minimize the amount of lice, they couldn't shower

What are the benefits of using a shower cap?

A shower cap is a hair covering used to keep the hair dry when showering. It is recommended that hair is not washed every day because it strips the natural oils and leaves it dry and brittle. With a shower cap, one can take a shower to get clean but the hair stays dry.