

Can you trade Pokemon between a gba game and a ds game?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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no but you can migrate Pokemon from gba to any Pokemon ds game(not sure in black in white)

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Q: Can you trade Pokemon between a gba game and a ds game?
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You can migrate GBA Pokemon to a DS Pokemon game but you can't trade using the GBA game trying to trade with another GBA game.

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You can trade pokémon by using a link cable between your GBA sp / GBA.

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With ds you can wirelessly trade or wifi trade. with gb gbc and gba you have to trade with a cable. To igrate a gba pokemon to a ds game you need to have the gba in the gba slot of a ds lite and the ds game in the ds slot of the ds

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GTS works if you want to trade for him and you have wifi. Otherwise, you either have to have the GBA game or a friend to trade with who has the pokemon.

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trade them off GBA games if you have it on the GBA game.

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No you can not. You only can trade Pokemon using gba game on no$gba with link staff.

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if you can connect colosseum to a gba, then trade the Pokemon to the gba game and migrate!

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Migrate from a GBA game.(or trade)

You have Pokemon emerald and ruby and you want to trade Pokemon between these two games however you have only two ninendo ds and one game-boy advance sp can you still trade somehow?

You have to have two Game Boy Advances to trade with emerald and ruby and a GBA to GBA link cable, another way to trade is if you use a GCN (gamecube) to GBA cable and you use Pokemon colosseum or Pokemon xd gale of darkness to trade emerald or ruby Pokemon to there then use colosseum or xd gale of darkness to trade your emerald or ruby Pokemon to the other game either ruby or emerald. Theres no way you can use a DS to trade with GBA games because the DS is not compatible with the GBA link cable.

Can you trade Pokemon with out a gba link cable?

You can use the wireless adapter from leaf-green/fire-red, if that doesn't count as an adapter. You may also be able to use the DS wireless, with 2 DS's. Lastly, you can trade with in-game traders, inside houses, but they are very specific.

Can you trade game advanced Pokemon games Pokemon with nintindo DS Pokemon games Pokemon?

Yes, you can trade them if you attach a wireless adapter to your GBA. You can also migrate pokémon from a GBA game to HeartGold/SoulSilver by putting them both into a DS.