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No! CB power amps are very unlawful, and they can interfere with legal radio communications. (Like Amateur Radio)

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Related questions

How do you install a linear CB amplifier?

You don't. Linear amplifiers are illegal for CB use. The maximum input into the final stage of a CB transmitter is 5 watts.

How do you ground a mobile CB antenna when using it as a base antenna?

How do you use a mobile CB antenna for base station antenna?

Can you use your mobile CB radio in the home?

A mobile CB can be converted to a base station for use in the home by adding a 12 volt, 4 amp regulated power supply.

What is a car cb radio called?

A mobile CB radio.

Is liners legal for cb radios?

In the US at least, no, linear amps are not legal for use on CB radios. The maximum wattage permitted for AM transmission is four watts, and the maximum wattage permitted for Single Sideband is 12 watts.

How do you stop a neighbor from using a linear on his cb radio?

File a report to the FCC.

How does a linear for a cb radio work?

Transmitting over four watts on a CB radio is actually illegal, thus, using a linear amp on a CB is illegal, as well. A linear amp attached to a radio (for argument's sake, we'll assume it's on a type of radio on which the application is legal) simply amplifies the power output. The radio transmits into the amp, the amp amplifies the signal, and transmits it to the antenna.

Can you use a cb radio with a 12 volt regulated 5 amp power supply?

You can, yes, so long as it's a barefoot mobile radio.

Where can someone purchase a CB antenna?

A mobile CB antenna can be purchased for $19.88 at Wal-Mart online or at the actual store. They can also be obtained at the CB City store or official website and on Amazon online.

Do people still use cb radio?

Yes, many people in the word still use a CB radio. Truck drivers use CB radios each day.

Can you convert a car audio amplifier into a cb ham radio amplifier?

No. Not only is it illegal to amplify a CB radio beyond the FCC permitted four watts, but stereo amplifiers and linear amplifiers work in very different ways.

What does the CB mean on a Honda motorcycle?

CB is just a model designator. for example in mobile phones , nokia release N series,E series, X series... can anyone find what does N,X,E mean?