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It could be any number of things - infection, injured paw, Arthritis. If you think something may be wrong with your pet you should go to the vet as they will be able to give a proper diagnosis.

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Take your cat to the vet as soon possible. The symptoms could be any number of things.

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Q: Cat keeps walking low and in pain?
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why is cat walking low to ground panting shaking and hiding?

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Can Valium harm a cat?

NO!!! You should never, EVER give your cat ANY medication unless your vet says it's okay. Many human medications can permanently injure, or even kill, a cat. If you have any concerns about your cat's health, the best thing to do is always to take the cat to a qualified veterinarian. Furthermore, Valium isn't even a painkiller to begin with. It is an anti-anxiety medication. It does not relieve pain. So, even if it were safe to give to a cat, it still wouldn't relieve the cat's pain.

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Muscle relaxlers such as skelatsin or flexaril are helpful. pain meds of advil,tylenol and tramadol -need prescription areb helpfull. Try Ice first 24-48 hrs and then a heating pad will help. rest and gentle walking.

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