

Could the cause of stomach fluttering be pregnancy?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Possibly. It could also be something you ate, the digestion system, or one out of a hundred reasons or a combination of all of them.

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Q: Could the cause of stomach fluttering be pregnancy?
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pregnancy, ongoing indigestion, stomach irritation, stomach flu, motion sickness or vertigo (problems with inner ear that cause dizziness and nausea).

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If you are actually meaning your stomach, it's probably heartburn. If it's constant, it might be an ulcer, so get that checked out. If you're using the word "stomach" to mean anything in the abdominal area, it could be anything.

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Yes, it happens all the time that women can have symptoms that they believe are due to pregnancy, when there is another cause. If you think you might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test.

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Can Vicodin cause GI beeding?

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If your stomach is growing and you have negative pregnancy tests, you need to see a physician. This could be a result of a benign mass (cyst), an infection, or any other number of things that could be harmful in the long run if ignored. You shouldn't feel movement in your abdomen early during the pregnancy.

Just had period side of abdomen and stomach feels a little tight could i be pregnant or is this in my head?

The symptoms you describe are not ones that could be put down to pregnancy especially at this stage of your cycle. There must be another cause.